The Best CVS Snack Products For Under $6

CVS is one of those stores that seems to be everywhere. Even if there isn't one on every literal street corner, you seldom have to drive more than a mile or so to see that familiar red sign. You might think of CVS as a great place to get your prescriptions filled or receive your annual flu shot. You probably also shop there for home health and hygiene supplies like Band-Aids, toothpaste, and deodorant, and if you don't have a Hollywood star's budget (or perhaps even if you do), you may get quite a bit of your hair and beauty supplies there, as well.


One thing CVS may not be on your radar for is snack foods. Well, all that may be about to change. CVS has really been stepping up their snack selections lately, with the goal of becoming the kind of place where you drop by to pick up a quick bite. These cheap treats prove the drugstore chain is making serious headway on this goal. Most are fairly healthy, and all are affordable, as no item on this list will run you more than 6 bucks.

Gold Emblem Extreme Cheddar Cheese Popcorn

If you love cheese popcorn, you've got to check out CVS private label Gold Emblem's new "extreme" version. While cheese popcorn may not be quite as healthy as that plain, air-popped, no-toppings stuff we're always being advised to eat, as a snack it does have a bit more fiber than potato chips, and you can eat a slightly larger amount for the same calorie expenditure.


Still, the selling point with this particular popcorn is its extra-cheesy flavor. And yes, there is real cheddar cheese on the ingredients list! This premium popcorn is priced at $2.99 for a 5-ounce bag. Since popcorn is so light, that 5-ounce bag amounts to five 2-cup servings.

Gold Emblem Abound Sweet Sriracha Roasted Chickpeas

These roasted chickpeas are another Gold Emblem CVS exclusive, so you'll only be able to find them in CVS stores or order them online through the CVS website. Now this snack really is good for you, as chickpeas are high in both fiber and protein. The fact that these chickpeas are roasted rather than fried means that they're also fairly low in fat.


The best part about these Gold Emblem chickpeas, though, is that sweet sriracha glaze with just a hint of heat. You can use them to add a little crunch to salads or soups, but that's only if you've got the willpower not to gobble them all straight from the bag. These chickpeas are priced at just $2.99 for 5 ounces, so you'll probably want to stock up on this soon-to-be-favorite snack.

Whisps Cheddar Cheese Crisps

Have you tried Whisps yet? If not, add them to your must-eat list ASAP. Whisps, for the uninitiated, are little featherlight "crackers" that contain no flour whatsoever. Its ingredient list is short and sweet: cheese. Just cheese. CVS carries the cheddar variety, which marries the delicious tang of that sharp cheese to the crunchiness of a potato chip. Try these cheesy bites on a charcuterie board, as the perfect accompaniment to a hearty soup, or just enjoy them as-is for some instant gratification. The need-to-know stats about Whisps cheddar crisps: each serving has 10 grams of protein and only 1 gram of carbohydrates and CVS sells a 2.12-ounce bag for $3.99.


Lesser Evil Fudge Brownie Mini Cookies

Want a little something sweet that's unlikely to blow your diet? Try Lesser Evil's mini brownie bites. These tiny cookies are made with almond flour, coconut oil, and coconut sugar, so they are gluten-free and ok to eat even if you're following a keto or paleo eating plan. These cookies are also fairly low in fat and each 3-cookie serving contains only 100 calories. They're also GMO-free! CVS sells a 4.4-ounce bag, which contains 6 servings, for $5.99.


Kind Breakfast Bars

Kind Bars have long been known as a fairly healthy(ish) candy bar alternative, but they have also branched out into offering a breakfast version of their bars. Kind's breakfast bars are gluten-free, non-GMO, and packed with a bunch of trendy, healthy ancient grains like amaranth, millet, and quinoa. CVS sells three varieties of Kind breakfast bars: peanut butter, honey oat, and blueberry almond. Each 8.9-ounce box costs $5.79 and contains 4 packs of 2 bars each, so 8 bars in all.


