Aldi UK Is Offering A Free Wine Class. Here's How To Attend

Wine drinkers in the know, know exactly where to go for a decent selection of budget-priced but definitely drinkable bottles (and cans) of their favorite beverage: Aldi, of course! From high-end, award-winning, but still not too expensive wines to a cheap house wine that blows Two-Buck Chuck out of the grape arbor (and has a much cuter mascot), the Aldi wine aisle is a regular shopping stop for anyone who enjoys a glass of vino now and then.


Aldis in Europe, however, have a lot more to offer than U.S. Aldis. In the U.S., Aldis have some great wines, some okay beers, and a few decent "malternatives" like hard cider and hard seltzer. On the other side of the ocean, though, Aisle of Shame says that Euro Aldis feature an amazing selection of booze of all kinds — you can even get Mystical Unicorn Gin, should you happen to want such a thing. (Bitter juniper meets cotton candy and marshmallows ... the mind boggles.) While Aldi has yet to implement overseas delivery for their booze (or anything else), there is one Aldi UK offering you can avail yourself of: a free course from the Aldi Wine School that will allow you to earn an "Aldiploma" in wine appreciation.


How you can earn an Aldiploma

The good news is that this course, while UK-based, is offered entirely online, so no need to shell out for airfare. What's more, it's not region-specific, so you won't be getting that annoying "This video is not available in your country" message when you try to access the course content. What you will get, should you choose to take the course entitled An Education in Wine, is access to eight different video modules, each with an accompanying downloadable PDF. Each video is presented by Aldi's "Mistress of Wine" Sam Caporn, and in them she covers topics ranging from how to interpret wine label terminology to different wine styles and regions to choosing the best wines to pair with different types of food.


There's even a "play along at home" component where you can download a list of Aldiploma Wines featured in the course for sipping as you learn. Unfortunately for those of us stateside, there appears to be zero overlap between the wines on the list and the wine selection carried at our Aldi stores. It may be possible to source some of the wines from a liquor store with a more extensive selection, but if you want to retain your credentials as a true Aldi oenophile, you can always try to find the nearest domestic Aldi-ternative.

