Aldi's Curry Sauces Got A Serious Upgrade

Aldi, being a European-based chain, has no shortage of gourmet goodies imported from across the pond. They're all about keeping up with the times, though, so they're constantly introducing new items with more of a global flavor profile. In fact, according to Aisle of Shame, Aldi's even introduced a bi-yearly Asian week, just as they also celebrate with Greek weeks, Italian weeks, and (of course) German weeks


The first Asian week for 2021 is taking place from February 10 to 16 (a week that not-so-coincidentally included Lunar New Year) and Aldi's specials for this week include pot stickers, crunchy rice rolls, kung pao chicken egg rolls, and wonton soup (via Aldi). Although south Asian countries typically don't celebrate Lunar New Year, Aldi's still including them in the Asian celebration with such items as tandoori-spiced chips and their popular curry sauces.

Big news with the curry sauces, however! According to Aldi's website, all three varieties — butter chicken, korma, and tikka masala — now come with dry spices, which is something that Instagrammer aldi.mademedoit says was not the case last year (via Instagram).


The seasoning/sauce combo isn't new to every Aldi

Some Aldi fans seem to be really, really excited about this upgrade, measuring by the accelerated exclamation point use of the aforementioned Instagrammer: "These sauces for an upgrade! Last year they were sold with just the sauce and now they include seasoning!!! I want to grab the butter chicken this week!!!" Other commenters, however, were a bit confused by the announcement, saying they'd seen the spices sold with the curry sauces before and didn't think it was anything new. One in-the-know Aldi fan cleared it up for everyone else, explaining, "They have two versions. The one with seasoning on top isn't always available, but yes, I've been finding them for a couple years now too." Yet another Instagram user pointed out, "I see they're charging $.50 more for that seasoning," although even with the upcharge, Aldi's website lists this seasoning/sauce combo at a reasonable $2.49.


Okay, enough of the backstory. More importantly, how do they taste? Instagram comments all seemed to be pretty positive. The butter chicken had fans calling it "unreal," "delicious," and "amazing," while the tikka masala and korma also got a few shout-outs. One user called all three sauces "THE BEST!," saying "We love them all, but the seasoning takes it next level." If you want to try these for yourself, though, better hurry! Asian Week is winding down now, and there's no telling how long these sauces will stay on the shelves once it's over.

