Everything You Need To Know About Pebbles Cereal's New Ice Cream

Cocoa and Fruity Pebbles, the original modern Stone Age cereals, recently celebrated a big birthday. While these Flintstones-themed cereals haven't actually been around since the paleolithic days (and, needless to say, are most definitely not to be found in any paleo dieter's pantry), they first appeared on store shelves in 1970 so they're over half a century old. Even before this momentous anniversary, however, there was renewed interest in these two classics that date back to everybody's childhood and beyond. Perhaps driven, at first, by the whole cereal-for-dinner trend, sugary cereals such as the Pebbles branched out into appearing in trendy breakfast cafes (via The Guardian) and soon started adorning hipster donuts, unicorn bacon (hipsters go to the state fair), and even cocktails (Food52 speaks of a Fruity Pebbles Ramos gin fizz).


Fruity Pebbles, in particular, have inspired a number of new items from the official (Oreo's mystery flavor) to the knockoff (Starbucks' secret menu "Fruity Pebbles" Frapps). While Cocoa Pebbles get less love, both types of Pebble got their own coffee creamer flavors, and that will be the case with the new Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles ice creams, as well.

These new ice creams are (maybe) coming soon

Instagram food trendspotter candyhunting posted images of Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles-flavored ice creams, saying both were available via Instacart, though this may vary by area. To date, neither product appears to have been spotted in any brick-and-mortar grocers. Both ice cream flavors seem to come directly from cereal company Post, as they don't have any additional co-branding on the packaging indicating they're made by an ice cream company such as Breyer's or Blue Bell. It seems both flavors are "light" ice creams, meaning, according to the International Dairy Foods Association, that they contain 1/3 fewer calories and/or have 1/2 the total fat of standard ice cream, and they will be available (someday) in 1.5-quart cartons.


The Fruity Pebbles variety is "fruity cereal milk"-flavored and contains candy bits (cereal would probably get too squishy) and a "fruity swirl." The Cocoa Pebbles kind has both chocolate and cereal milk-flavored ice creams swirled with "chocolatey bits." Comments on Instagram didn't demonstrate overwhelming excitement, with most consisting merely of tagging other users. While there were a few remarks along the lines of "omg we need to get these!!!" and "I'd take both," other responses like "what the what? Lol" and "oh snap" seemed to imply more amusement than enthusiasm. If the ice cream's anything like the creamer, however, it may not be worth the wait. One Walmart shopper, initially enthused to try the latter product, reported back that it was "gross." Sounds yabba-dabba doo-bious.


