Krispy Kreme Is Selling A Dozen Donuts For Just $1 This Weekend

While it's not like we really need another made-up holiday at this time of year since we've already got an abundance of the real kind, when it comes to food holidays where we get freebies or at least really great deals, sure, we're always up for it. Thanks to Krispy Kreme, we now have one more December holiday — coming up on the 12th day of the 12th month (this Saturday, if you're counting). The donut chain presents: Day of the Dozens!


So, how can you celebrate this very special day? Why, with everybody's favorite dozen, of course. No, we're not talking a dozen eggs, not even a dozen roses, and we for sure don't mean 12 drummers drumming. (Where would you even put them? And how would you ever get any sleep?) No, the best dozen of all just so happens to be the one product that Krispy Kreme specializes in. Donuts, of course!

Here's what to know about Krispy Kreme's Dozens Day offer

In order to celebrate this day of terrific twelves, Krispy Kreme will sell you 12 of their iconic original glazed donuts for just a buck. A buck apiece? No, that dollar will get you a whole box full. That's 8 1/3 cents per donut, if you do the math — can you get anything at all for under a dime anywhere else? For under a quarter, even? We can't even think of anything for under a dollar, come to think of it. Anyway, it's an amazing bargain.


Okay, so it's not without a few strings attached... Well, one string, but it's a pretty sweet one. In order to get your dollar donuts, you'll first have to buy an additional dozen at regular price. The good part (not that there's really a bad part) is that you can get any kind you like for the first dozen, even those cute lil' Krispy Kreme holiday donuts. (Sadly, the gingerbread donut isn't expected to drop 'til Dec. 16, so those won't be eligible for this promo.)

If you're wondering what on earth you'll do with two dozen donuts, well, 'tis the season of giving and all that. If everyone in your bubble is doing keto or a strict pre-holiday diet, though, here's a bit of good news: You can actually freeze donuts! Sure, they might not be so hot and fresh once they're thawed, but still, there's no such thing as a bad Krispy Kreme.


