Burger King's New Sandwich Is Grossing The Internet Out

Burger King is one company that seems to be a strong believer in the axiom that there's no such thing as bad publicity. While some of their attention-drawing moves have been very positive ones, like the LGBTQ-friendly "Love Conquers All" ad campaign in Finland and some just plain funny like offering former Prince Harry a job, there's no denying they've had their share of dud campaigns, too. The moldy Whopper made absolutely nobody hungry, while the cow farts ad managed to draw the ire of farmers and fact-checkers alike. And let's not forget those "bummer meals"... on second thought, they're best forgotten.


Burger King's latest stunt — which is a Taiwan-only thing, at least to date — may fall into any of the above categories: they're now selling a chocolate-topped Whopper. As you may recall, if you've got an encyclopedic memory for fast-food advertising, Burger King did stage an April Fool's prank a few years back that revolved around a dessert Whopper featuring a chocolate patty, chocolate buns, and raspberry sauce. While that burger never really existed, the Hershey's Chocolate Whopper is definitely on the menu in Tainan City, and Hypebeast says people are lining up down the sidewalk to buy it.

Twitter, of course, weighs in on the chocolate Whopper

One Twitter user in Tainan City posted several photos of the chocolate Whopper: BK's signature burger topped with peanut butter and Hershey's syrup. While none of the commenters had actually tried the burger themselves since it's not yet, nor may ever be, offered outside Taiwan, when has that ever stopped any Twitter user from opining?


The opinions themselves were vocal, yet varied. There were several not-unexpected variants on a similar theme: "It looks disgusting," "That looks absolutely disgusting," "That's just disgusting," as well as a few unnecessarily scatological parallels: "Looks like somebody threw up on your burger," and "This looks like someone spit diarrhea onto your burger." 

Not everyone thought Burger King's new sandwich was a bad idea

Some Twitter users, however, admitted that the burger might just have its merits: One surmised, "I've had several burgers from very nice restaurants with Peanut Butter on it and it was rather good," while others said, "If it was on the darker more bitter side of chocolate id be into it," and "I already eat peanut butter on my burgers and it is delicious but addicting @Hersheys chocolate to the mix may be a whole new level!!!" (this last comment from a user with the appropriately sweet name of Candy).


One user, however, pointed out what's really wrong with this burger: the fact that "all the sauce is in the center." 

Chocolate sauce on a burger or not, can the internet ever really agree on anything?

