The New Wine From Post Malone Everyone Is Talking About

Celebrity wine has been a thing for quite some time now. Ranker lists some of the top celeb wine lines as those belonging to semi-retired comedian Dan Aykroyd, Marvel movie-hating director Francis Ford Coppola, '80s superstar QB Joe Montana, and now-deceased actor Fess Parker who was best known for starring in Disney's Davy Crockett about 1,000 years ago. And you know what else all of these people have in common, besides their own wine labels? They're all not exactly icons to the youth of this century (in the case of Fess Parker, it's likely most have never heard of him). Snoop Dogg's new wine may be slightly more relevant to a younger generation, but Martha Stewart's BFF isn't exactly a young 'un himself.


The latest celeb to enter the winemaking game is Post Malone, the kind of controversial musician who is, at 24, a bonafide zillennial. It doesn't come as much of a surprise to learn that his new wine will be that Twentyteens-iest of bevvies — a rosé.

What they're saying about Post Malone's rosé

Post himself has been talking up his new wine, Maison No. 9, whose name was supposedly inspired by the nine of swords tarot card (his fave). He explains that his Provencal pink was "designed to break down the traditional perceptions around wine and its barriers for consumers." He didn't say just what barriers — dudes have been drinking pink wine for quite awhile now, so maybe he means to create a niche market amongst guys with a lot of facial ink?


No word on how this wine tastes as the first bottle's yet to be uncorked, but Food & Wine shares that it's a blend of 45 percent Grenache Noir, 25 percent Cinsault, 15 percent merlot, and 15 percent Syrah. According to the tasting notes, this means "aromas of freshly picked fruit, such as ripe pineapple, pear, and strawberry, [that] meet hints of sweet French desserts" as well as a "clean, dry, crisp finish [that] is balanced and round with a texture that is mouthwatering and savory."

At $21.99 for a 750 ml bottle, this stuff isn't going to be any Two-Buck Chuck, to be sure, but for that price at least you get a nifty reusable bottle with a "fully sustainable glass closure" inspired by the battlements of a medieval castle. Also, as Malone himself puts it, this "Rosé is for when you want to get a little fancy," so perhaps it's worth the price, at that.


