How Many Kids Does Gordon Ramsay Have?

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When you think of Gordon Ramsay, how do you picture him? Probably yelling, raging, pitching an epic hissy fit, and generally making somebody's life miserable, all things he's done many times on his hit shows Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares. Ramsay can seem like a bit of a living nightmare himself, and in fact, there are more than a few people who just can't stand him and consider him impossible to work with.


While it's true that Gord's no angel — he's even got an arrest record for drunken indecency — it seems that the celeb chef everyone loves to hate is actually leading somewhat of a double life. He may come across on TV like the world's biggest jerk, but at home he's got a loving wife who's put up with him for an amazing 24 years as well as five kids ranging in age from a recent college grad of 22 down to a 1-year-old toddler who has his own Instagram account (managed by big sis Tilly).

Meet the Ramsay kids

Hello! recently profiled the Ramsay family, from the kids who are "flying the nest" to the one who's got the elder Ramsays revisiting those diapering days of yore. Megan, the eldest, just graduated from Oxford with a degree in philosophy. Next in line are twins Jack and Holly, both 19. Jack has studied at Exeter University but is said to be planning to join the British Royal Marines, while Holly has signed with a modeling agency and plans to pursue a career in the field of fashion.


Matilda, aka Tilly, is the one Ramsay offspring who seems to want to follow in Dad's footsteps. While Gordon previously told Hello! that he would never hire any of his children to work in one of his own restaurants, that hasn't stopped 18-year-old budding chef Tilly from starring in her own CBBC program called Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch and publishing her own cookbook, Tilly's Kitchen Takeover.

As for baby Oscar, well, he poses for a lot of pictures. He's yet to land his first TV gig, but give him time. He might be planning to put off launching his career until after graduating from preschool.

