This Chain's Coffee Has The Most Caffeine

When you go out for coffee, are you looking for the place with the best-tasting brew, or would you rather get the most buzz for your buck? Caffeine itself isn't the tastiest of substances, being downright bitter in its purest form, but hey, whatever gets you through the day — and, even more importantly, keeps you awake on your long drive home.


If you really want to get as much caffeine as possible, your best bet might be to grab a canned coffee beverage from your local convenience store. According to the infographic put together by Sleepopolis, some of these are pretty highly caffeinated. The most highly caffeinated canned coffee, Devil Mountain Black Label, contains 129.6 milligrams of caffeine per ounce, which is over 10 times that of the average cup of coffee ( which checks in at just 12 mg per ounce). 

Should you prefer a nice, hot cup of coffee, but you just want one with a little extra jolt, the chain with the most highly-caffeinated regular coffee is The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. A cup of coffee from this popular chain has 20.8 mg of caffeine per ounce.


The runners-up – and the big loser

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf isn't exactly on every street corner, but they do have quite a few locations around the country — and even around the world. Don't fret if you can't find one, though, because second place on the caffeinated coffee chart went to Starbucks at 20.6 mg per ounce. If you don't already have a Starbucks within a short walking distance of your house, just wait a week or so. There's probably already one under construction.


If for some reason, you can't bear to patronize any establishment named after a character from a Herman Melville novel (horrible memories of 11th grade English class!), you may have to settle for Caribou Coffee, at a mere 19.1 mg, or perhaps even 7-Eleven with a measly 17.5. The one thing you won't want to bother ordering at all, however, is a cup of McDonald's coffee. Their brew may be cheap and is notoriously hot, but the one thing it isn't is strong. At just 9.1 mg per ounce, Mickey D's has the least caffeinated java of any popular chain.

