Unearthed Blog Reveals Meghan Markle's Favorite Summer Cocktail

While Meghan Markle might have had a little bit of a learning curve as she transitioned from being an American model and actress to becoming a member of the British royal family, a long-ago blog post that's recently been unearthed reveals it's actually a role she may have been born to play (via Real Simple). Let's take a trip in the Wayback Machine to 2014, back when Meghan was hosting her own lifestyle website, The Tig, which sadly had to be shut down once she and Prince Harry started getting serious. In one entry from that year, Meghan confesses to dreaming of being a princess (though, to be fair, she says that she dreamt of being She-Ra, Princess of Power), and even references her future sister-in-law Kate Middleton.


It's another of her 2014 Tig posts that we find really telling, however. Nothing screams future Duchess potential like expressing a preference for that most aristocratic — and British — of cocktails, the Pimm's Cup. While Meghan's daily diet, on the whole, is pretty typical of the California millennial she is, complete with kale smoothies, kombucha, and fish tacos, she also claimed, two years before she'd even met her sixth-in-line-to-the-throne hubby, to have "a love of all things Brit" (always a good basis for starting a relationship) — and that included her choice of summer refreshers.

Rule-breaker that she is, Meghan, of course, came up with her own special spin for the iconic cocktail, which she promises "will whet your whistle and keep you cool during those long summer days turned nights." The original Pimm's Cup consists of just two ingredients: Pimm's No. 1 liqueur and the British version of lemonade, which is actually a fizzy lemon-flavored soda; and four garnishes — mint, cucumber, strawberries, and apples. Meghan's Tig Cup, on the other hand, is made with gin, soda water, tonic water, and maraschino liqueur, and, in addition to the cucumber and mint (Meghan ditched the strawberries and apples), is also topped with slices of celery and lime, radish shavings, and a twist of grapefruit rind. So, um, yeah, not so traditional after all. Just like Meghan.


As to whether Meghan's still mixing up her signature drink now that she's actually British by marriage and royal by decree, we can't say, but at least none of the ingredients seem to have made the list of foods she's now prohibited from eating. Guess there is a downside to being a duchess, after all. Ah, but at least the Queen still lets her eat cake.

