The Secret Menu Hack To Use If You're Craving A Chili Cheeseburger At Outback Steakhouse

Outback Steakhouse does not have a secret menu per se. As it's a mid-priced sit-down restaurant, your chances are slim of being able to bully the kitchen staff into creating a special order unless you're Paul Hogan himself — and maybe not even then, since the "Crocodile Dundee" actor once sued the restaurant chain for using images from his movies without his permission. With that being said, you can always order whatever you want off the menu and combine the different items in any way you like, something that provided the inspiration for Mashed's list of 14 Outback Steakhouse "secret menu" items you need to try. The meatiest of these suggestions doesn't involve steak, despite that dish being the spécialité de la maison, as it were. Instead, we recommend making a DIY chili cheeseburger.


There's no prize for figuring out how to make a chili cheeseburger at Outback. What you do, as you've no doubt guessed, is order the Outbacker burger or, if you really want to go all out, the Bloomin' burger with its fried onion topping. You then order a side of the Tasmanian chili, and — get this — spoon the chili on top of the burger! Amazing, we know. Still, it should be pretty tasty. Be forewarned, though: Even though the burger does come with one side, there may be an upcharge for the chili.

That Tasmanian chili can be used for other menu hacks, as well

As Outback's Tasmanian chili is bean-free, it's akin to the kind used to top hot dogs and nachos, but the Australian-themed chain carries neither of these items. (Nor does it have many classic Australian dishes like meat pies or kangaroo on the menu, for that matter, as it's really just a straight-up American chain steakhouse with a vaguely Down Under-ish theme.) There are, however, various other uses for the chili if you're hell-bent on hacking the Outback menu instead of eating what's on offer. For one thing, you could use it as a dip for your Bloomin' Onion, either on its own or mixed with the creamy dip that comes with the appetizer. You could also turn your Aussie cheese fries into chili cheese fries or your "dressed" baked potato into a fully loaded one.


Turning once more to the main menu, you could combine the chili with a no-chicken Cobb salad to turn it into a taco salad of sorts — if you order the salad with ranch dressing, you can see if the restaurant has any hot sauce you could use to spice up this bland condiment (and also the chili, for that matter). The chili could even be repurposed as a steak topper if you're feeling experimental. Sure, it may not be the usual thing, but people pile cheese crumbles, mushrooms, and even shrimp on steak, so why not use chili?

