Tesla Teases New Beer 'For Cyborgs' In A Cybertruck-Shaped Bottle

In 1968, author Philip K. Dick posed the question, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" (Cinematophiles may know the book as the basis for "Blade Runner.") In 2023, Elon Musk is asking something far more marketable: Do cyborgs drink beer? If they do, he's got the brew for them: Tesla's new GigaBier, a product the brand announced by tweeting the tagline, "Brewed for cyborgs, made by humans."

Wait, isn't Tesla supposed to be in the automotive industry? Since when is it a microbrewery? Yes, cars and trucks are still Tesla's main gig, but this isn't the first time one of Musk's companies has drifted out of its lane. Who could forget the Boring Company's not-so-boring flamethrower? (20,000+ people have actually purchased one of these items.) Tesla Tequila was also a thing back in 2020, so this company's not even new to the booze business. What's more, GigaBier does have an automotive angle to it as it comes in a bottle shaped like Tesla's rather, umm, unique-looking Cybertruck. Ironically, the beer made it to the market before the truck did – apparently, supply chain snafus mean that the only Cybertrucks available for purchase at present are the ones holding ⅓ liter of German-brewed pilsner,

Humans are excited to buy this beer despite its steep price

Any cyborgs interested in purchasing GigaBier will need to be fairly well-heeled. For the Elon Musks of the world, dropping about $99 (£79) on a three-pack of beer may be no big deal, but by most people's standards, it's pretty steep. Still, a number of people seem to be digging deep into their pockets and tweeting screenshots of their orders. One user, in fact, indicates that the brew seems to have sold out in their location.

You know who's not buying GigaBier, though? Americans, both cyborg and human. It's not out of any lack of desire for this product, pricey though it may be. Quite a few beer fans are bummed that it's not available here. The problem is, GiBabier is only available in Europe, and even if you do have a friend overseas who's willing to send you the stuff, it may be a violation of postal regulations either at their end or yours. Of course, if you've got a bank balance similar to Musk's, you can always just take your private jet across the pond to pick up a few bottles. Just don't send your cyborg butler on this errand, though, as they may just develop a taste for GigaBier and wind up drinking it all themself.