Mashed's Exclusive Survey Uncovered The Fan-Favorite Jarritos Flavor

Jarritos soda was once something that you'd maybe only see offered at Hispanic markets or Mexican restaurants, but today these Mexican sodas are widely available in mainstream supermarkets as well. Unlike many domestic soda brands, Jarritos only come in bottles, and the clear glass and plastic containers showcase a rainbow of bright, cheery colors. The flavors, too, include a much wider selection than either the Coca-Cola or Pepsi companies have ever offered  — where else are you going to find hibiscus, mango, tamarind, and fruit punch sodas?


In our ongoing efforts to keep a finger on the pulse of all matters food-related, Mashed once again designed and administered a poll to 622 of our readers, this time asking them what is the proper temperature to roast a chicken. Ha, no, of course that's not it. We were asking them about their favorite Jarritos flavor, instead. (That chicken thing is still up for debate and will likely never be settled.) The choices we offered were guava, lime, mandarin, passion fruit, pineapple, and strawberry, and while each flavor had its fans, the top two finishers ended in a near tie. As it was just a near tie, though, this means there was one flavor that won by a nose.

Pineapple wins the popularity contest

Our Jarritos poll was a squeaker, all right, but in the end the biggest vote-getter was pineapple, with 21.86%. At a guess, we'd say this flavor may owe its victory to the fact that many people will order Jarritos to accompany a Mexican meal, and pineapple does pair well with this type of cuisine. Right on its heels, however, was strawberry with 21.7% — in case you don't feel like doing the math, this was a difference of just one vote. Jarritos strawberry soda may be on the sweet side as sodas go, but its vivid pinkish-red color sure is pretty.


In third place came lime soda, earning a respectable 17.68% of the vote, while mandarin was a close fourth with 17.04%. Trailing by more than a few lengths was passion fruit, a tropical flavor that only 11.58% felt particularly passionate about. At the back of the pack with 10.13% was guava, with its low showing perhaps reflecting the fact that the fruit itself isn't exactly a supermarket staple. If you've never tasted guava, after all, it's hard to know what to expect from a guava-flavored soda or anything else, so you're likely to pass it up in favor of something more familiar.

