38% Of People Think This Is The Best Time Of Year To Drink Beer- Mashed Survey

Do you tend to think of beer as a seasonal drink or is it more of a year-round thing like soda? The commercials do tend to run heavily to people on beaches enjoying themselves, but then again in many cases these people are wealthy celebrities who could be presumed to be downing a brew or two on a tropical island (perhaps their own private island) in the middle of winter. On the other hand, beer seldom makes any lists of "warming winter drinks to sip while wearing your coziest sweater" as it tends not to take well to mulling. On still another hand, winter's premier sporting event Super Bowl Sunday may be one of the biggest beer bashes of the year.


In the absence of anything to build a strong case one way or another, Mashed resorted to the tried-and-true vox populi method and asked our readers which season is their preferred one for beer drinking. We gave 582 people the choice of the standard four but added a fifth option for those who do not drink beer. The final tally resulted in a near-tie, but perhaps not the one you were expecting.

Beer goes best with fun in the sun

Summer, no surprise, came in first place with 38% of the vote. Fair enough — cold drink, hot day, makes sense. In a close second, however, was ... no other season. Whether it's because they prefer wine or hard seltzer or instead share the sober attitude of many younger adults today that booze is so last-generation, 34% of our poll respondents told us they don't drink beer at all.


Clustered in a pack at the bottom of our poll came all three of the remaining seasons. Fall took a slight lead with 11% of beer drinkers stretching out their summer boozing just a bit longer (or perhaps they're just fans of pumpkin beer). Among spring drinkers, only 9% are cracking open brews to herald the new season, although that might increase a bit if Cadbury ever starts marketing their Creme Egg-flavored beer stateside. Winter, however, wound up in last place with 8%, showing that the Super Bowl is not the Black Friday of the beer industry. We guess one single day can't support an entire season's worth of drinking.

