Shots And Shooters Are Not The Same
If you enjoy a variety of liquors or cocktails, you may already enjoy shots and shooters. But did you know that shots and shooters are not the same?
Read MoreIf you enjoy a variety of liquors or cocktails, you may already enjoy shots and shooters. But did you know that shots and shooters are not the same?
Read MoreWhat do you do if you want a sheet cake you can carry around and eat with your hands without getting the icing everywhere? Make it a sandwich.
Read MoreIt's not always obvious which of your dishes are okay for the microwave. This easy extra step will clear up any confusion in a jiffy.
Read MoreMug cakes are a simple option for a fresh-baked good without going through the whole baking process, but this TikTok hack makes the mug cake even easier.
Read MoreCleaning the microwave is a pain in the neck, so if you're going to exert the energy, you might as well make sure you do a thorough job.
Read MoreFrom smoother cuts to safer handling, discover why a sharp pizza cutter is a must-have tool in your kitchen arsenal.
Read MoreIf your coffee machine looks well overdue for a deep clean, baking soda might be part of the solution ... pun intended.
Read MoreYou may mostly use it on hot dogs and sanwicghes, but one beautiful thing about using mustard on pork chops is that it works with any cooking method.
Read MoreDo you love curry and pizza, but wish you knew a way to combine them? We think your favorite curry should become your new go-to pizza sauce. Here's why.
Read MoreBlueberries are one of our favorite fruits, but most of us don't know how to use them properly. Learn how to fix common mistakes when cooking with blueberries.
Read MoreIf you've ever wanted to make the perfect Starbucks copycat egg bites at home, look no further. Our secret ingredient that puts this dupe above the rest.
Read MoreA burger press forms ground meat into perfectly shaped patties that retain their shape during cooking, but your meat may stick if it's not oiled.
Read MoreIf the base of your cocktail calls for a specific type of liquor, you can use simple syrup infused with that same spirit for a cohesive integration of flavors.
Read MoreCreating a mouthwatering burger at home doesn't mean it has to be made with ground beef. Other beef cuts, lamb, or even vegan meats can be delicious options.
Read MoreFrom county fairs to state fairs, savory to sweet, the Mashed staff came together to sound off on the fair foods you don't want to miss out on.
Read MoreFor an elevated twist, we think you should be adding pistachios to coffee cake -- and there are lots of different ways to do it. Here's how to get started.
Read MoreTired of your cakes coming out like giant sugary croutons? We asked a few baking masters how to make sure our cakes stay nice and spongy.
Read MoreRecycling almost never tastes like a relaxing whiskey cocktail, but if you're running low on maple syrup, you can experience an exception to the rule.
Read MoreWhile no one is suggesting doing away with chickpea mock tuna salads, jackfruit is a nutritious powerhouse that makes a delicious addition to your recipe.
Read MoreMaking cold brew at home? Be sure to keep this common mistake in mind. If avoided, your home brew is almost guaranteed to come out smooth, cool and caffeinated.
Read MoreYour personal proximity to the sky plays a surprising role in how to go about cooking your meals, especially when anything needs to be boiled.
Read MoreThere are different ways to grease a waffle iron, but no cooking oil compares to the flavor of bacon grease, a savory fat rendered from bacon.
Read MoreYou can unleash the flavor potential of a pumpkin-packed pizza with the power of roasting. Even if it's not Halloween, this trick results in a real treat.
Read MoreRodger Bowser, head chef at the Michigan institution known as Zingerman's Deli, has high praise for putting fruit in sandwiches, from jam to sliced peaches.
Read MoreTwo common mistakes people make when cooking beans are using hard water and not soaking them prior to cooking. Fortunately, baking soda helps both issues.
Read MoreBacon makes everything extra tasty, so it's a no-brainer to wrap it around your favorite foods. Pop the whole thing in the air fryer for the ultimate treat.
Read MoreIf you pick up premixed coleslaw because it's easier than chopping up the vegetables yourself, it's time you used a vegetable peeler for quick and easy results.
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