Although it's not a major inconvenience, when you think about deli meats that are in resealable bags, it begs the question: Why isn't bacon packaged the same?
Powdered butter actually isn't that different from the regular stuff. It's just butter that has had its moisture removed before being ground into fine powder.
On pancakes, waffles, or fried chicken, maple syrup and pancake syrup are two powerhouses. Here's the true difference between maple syrup and pancake syrup.
From small baby food containers to lunch-box-style jars, there's something for everyone. Here's our list of the best glass food storage containers of 2022.
Buying frozen fish is one of the best ways to get tasty seafood, especially since it's frozen quickly after it's caught. But then why is it sometimes mushy?
It may seem odd that a simple pasta sauce like Alfredo would have an issue being frozen and reheated. What exactly happens that makes it so undesirable?
The act of preserving your fresh foods in (often pressurized) mason jars has a lot of pros. But there's a significant con: mason jars' stubborn, rusty lids.
If your clams have gone bad, that's not something anyone wants to realize after eating them. Read on for tips on how to tell if they are no longer good.
Use it to glaze bacon, pour it over IHOP's famous pancakes, or use it as a sugar substitute — no matter what, everyone should have maple syrup in their pantry at all times. Or is is the fridge? It turns out, you've been storing maple syrup wrong your whole life.
While the freezer does help make life easier, there's a good chance you're not freezing your food properly. There are some big mistakes that get overlooked.