• Everything You Need To Know When Shopping For A New Knife

    While knives can be quite expensive and it can be tempting to buy a set, you really only need three knives. But with so many options and materials ranging from stainless steel to ceramic, here is everything you need to know about shopping for a new knife.

    By Molly Harris Read More
  • This Is The Best Wood To Use For Smoking A Turkey

    Smoking your turkey is a wonderful way to achieve a delicious aroma, texture, and color to your poultry. The type of wood you use to smoke your turkey is important. This is what chefs say is the best type of wood for smoking a turkey.

    By Mirtle Pena-Calderon Read More
  • Here's How Long You Should Rest Your Turkey After Smoking

    Imagine that the day for your special turkey dinner has arrived and your turkey is moist, delicious, and ready to be pulled out of the smoker, but you haven't a clue about how long it should sit out for. Should you give it any time at all to rest before serving? Here are the best tips.

    By Mirtle Pena-Calderon Read More
  • This Is Why You Should Tenderize Your Chicken Before Cooking It

    Everyone loves finding shortcuts in the kitchen, but there are some steps you definitely shouldn't skip, even in the interest of saving time. Tenderizing chicken, especially chicken breasts, is one of them, and if you haven't been tenderizing your chicken before now, you should definitely start.

    By Andrea Beck Read More
  • How To Order Starbucks' Secret Menu Hot Cocoa Cold Brew

    The holiday menu at Starbucks is full of everything from peppermint mochas to caramel brûlée lattes, but it's the secret holiday menu that really steals the show this season. And there's one drink in particular for 2020 that mixes coffee with the flavor of hot chocolate: the Hot Cocoa Cold Brew.

    By Amanda Tarlton Read More
  • This Is The Best Way To Thaw Your Thanksgiving Turkey

    Most people who pick up a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner purchase a frozen whole bird. That means millions of Americans each year share a common goal: getting their turkey from frozen up to 165 degrees Fahrenheit as safely as possible. This is the best way to thaw your Thanksgiving turkey.

    By Ralph Schwartz Read More
  • This Dessert Version Of Turducken Is The Ultimate Thanksgiving Meal-Ender

    Are you planning to go really over-the-top with Thanksgiving dinner? Watching too many Food Network holiday specials can have that affect, and nothing says opulence like food stuffed inside of other food. If you love turducken, you'll be thrilled to know it\ has a dessert counterpart: the piecaken.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • What Is Toum And What Does It Taste Like?

    Call it a sauce, a dip, a spread - toum is basically the jack-of-all-trades of the condiment world. Toum is like mayonnaise without the eggs (yes - it's vegan!) and it's rather ubiquitous in Lebanese cuisine.

    By Megan Scott Read More
  • How To Make A Quiche Without Heavy Cream

    Typically, quiche calls for a lot of eggs - up to a dozen sometimes - which are whisked with milk and heavy cream. Calories and fat add up really quickly as you add other ingredients. The simplest way to reduce the amount of fat and calories in your quiche is actually to eliminate the heavy cream.

    By Molly Harris Read More
  • What The US Gets Wrong About Guacamole

    Initially, guacamole's ingredients included avocados, tomatoes, and chilis, but the Spaniards put their fingerprint on the recipe, adding onions, cilantro, and lime juice. All the extra stuff we tend to add to our guacamole is really a nod to our Spanish friends.

    By Karen Hart Read More
  • Signs That Your Asparagus Has Gone Bad

    Asparagus is great served fresh in a pasta, grilled with a hearty protein, or just by itself.. Asparagus looks weird enough as it is, so no one would blame you for overlooking signs of an asparagus stalk past its prime. We're here to help.

    By Sophie Putka Read More
  • The Biggest Mistake You're Making With Pork Belly

    If you come across the perfect cut of pork belly at the grocery store, you might get tempted to throw it straight in the oven and cook it like a brisket. Resist this urge, as many inexperienced home chefs try to cook pork belly too quickly.

    By Erich Barganier Read More
  • Here's Why Duck Is Usually So Greasy

    While those of us who cook wouldn't think twice about preparing a chicken or turkey meal at home, we'd probably be a bit more hesitant if we were asked to consider preparing duck. We're guessing the hesitation could have something to do with the fact that ducks are just so greasy.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • You've Been Storing Muffins Wrong This Whole Time

    If you normally just toss your fresh-baked muffins in a plastic bag, or leave them in a container on your counter, they might dry out or go stale quicker than you can finish them. But no matter what kind of muffins you make, if you store them the right way, they'll last a little longer.

    By Andrea Beck Read More
  • The Vintage Brandy Cocktail That Needs To Make A Comeback

    Hundreds of these concoctions exist, but only a handful deserve to get revived and added back to their former place of honor. Enter one of the most delicious vintage cocktails that deserves its comeback — the Brandy Alexander.

    By Erich Barganier Read More
  • The Surprising Recipes In Cheetos New Cookbook

    Are you a fan of both junk food and fancy chef-created cuisine? Well in that case, Cheetos has got something you're definitely going to love. Just in time for the holidays, too. Yes, it's here at last! The soon-to-be-bestselling Bon Appe-Cheetos: A Holiday Cookbook by Chester and Friends.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • How To Get Red Wine Stains Out Of Clothing

    As many people have found to their misfortune, it can be incredibly easy to spill red wine all over your favorite clothes. Fear not, though: Here's how to get red wine stains out of clothing.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • Don't Make These Common Blender Mistakes

    While using a blender might seem like a common-sense task, there are actually a few blender mistakes you might be making that can keep you off track. Common blender mistakes include overfilling the blender, adding ingredients in the wrong order, and washing it improperly.

    By Sophie Putka Read More
  • The Real Reason You Should Never Double A Baking Recipe

    If you want to make a large quantity of a cake, cookie, or other baked good, you might be tempted to simply double the recipe. However, because baking is chemistry, there is a real reason you should never simply double a baking recipe for a larger portion.

    By Robin Miller Read More