• Why Vegans Shouldn't Hesitate To Use Chicken Salt

    Chicken salt is shaken on everything from fries (or "chips," to Brits and Aussies), to fried fish, grilled meat, and popcorn (via Mitani). According to the Australian News.com site, there's even a chicken-salt flavored mayonnaise line, bewilderingly.

    By Sophie Putka Read More
  • Read This Before Putting Broccoli In An Air Fryer

    For people who want to avoid excess fat but still feel like keeping things crispy and delicious, the air fryer might very well be a game changer. However, because the kitchen appliance has only recently hit the mainstream, this potentially revolutionary cooking method still comes with a few caveats.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • The Beer With The Lowest Calories Might Surprise You

    Making low calorie beer is a balancing act: Find a way to bring down the calorie count without sacrificing too much of the taste. After all, if you're only interested in minimizing calories there are plenty of spiked seltzers on the market.

    By Ralph Schwartz Read More
  • The Surprising Vegan Substitute You Can Use For Fish

    Going vegetarian or vegan can be quite simple these days thanks to the abundance of information online. However, there are some dishes you might crave that seem difficult to substitute ingredients for. There's one vegan ingredient that's actually a perfect swap for fresh fish -- banana blossoms.

    By Molly Harris Read More
  • The Real Difference Between Donuts And Bagels

    Donuts are generally sweet, and bagels tend to be savory, but is that mostly because of the toppings and whatnot? Could it be that the only key difference between the two is really the fact that bagels tend to be chewier than the notoriously pillowy donuts?

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • Why You Should Always Have Balsamic Vinegar In Your Kitchen

    There are few ingredients that count themselves among those that work well in creating delicious salad dressings, savory meat marinades, sweet caramelized onions, syrupy glazes, and can add a deep and luscious flavor to your favorite vanilla ice cream, but balsamic vinegar can do all of that.

    By Karen Hart Read More
  • Don't Believe This Myth About Brown Sugar

    You might've heard before that brown sugar is healthier than white sugar. Part of this myth might come from the color, since raw sugar is typically brown as well, and could lead to some people believing that brown sugar is less processed and refined than white, and therefore healthier.

    By Andrea Beck Read More
  • You've Been Preparing Onions Wrong This Whole Time

    Onions can be a truly versatile addition to any dish. Whether you're using raw onion to spice up you salad or adding the allium to a thick gravy, most people agree that onions can be a game-changer. However, there is definitely some confusion as to what's the best way to prep them before cooking.

    By Boshika Gupta Read More
  • Think Twice Before Buying Canned Food At The Dollar Store

    This was a definite boon to dollars stores as their retail counterparts struggled to stay afloat during the crisis. However, despite the fact that their popularity has increased, it's worth noting that certain products at dollar stores are best avoided. Case in point? Canned food.

    By Boshika Gupta Read More
  • Here's Why You Should Consider A Flexitarian Diet

    There's a new entry in the diet stakes: the Flexitarian diet. It's exactly what it sounds like: You're encouraged to stick to a mostly plant-based diet and occasionally indulge in meat in moderation.

    By Boshika Gupta Read More
  • Aldi's New Pumpkin-Shaped Pizza Has People Talking

    With its innovative and delicious products, Aldi might be one of the best budget grocery stores out there. A new, seasonal item you'll want to get your hands on is actually a pumpkin-shaped pizza, and it's certainly attracting attention.

    By Molly Harris Read More
  • The Reason You Should Be Adding Honey To Your Cocktails

    Nothing beats that moment when your lips first touch the glass of your favorite cocktail and you proceed to take your first sip. Not only does honey enhance the flavor and smoothness of drinks, but it can also make them a little healthier.

    By Mirtle Pena-Calderon Read More
  • This Is How You Make Tempered Chocolate

    Tempering chocolate is much easier in theory than it is in practice, even for a professional pastry chef. It's still important, however, to understand the theory before breaking down the steps and adding in tips to get a better outcome.

    By Audrey Michels Read More
  • The Real Difference Between Leeks And Scallions

    Despite belonging to the same family, leeks and scallions have more differences than they do similarities. Leeks and scallions differ in appearance, taste, and even in how to cook them, making them two items that aren't interchangeable, the way onions and shallots are.

    By Mirtle Pena-Calderon Read More
  • These Are The Worst Foods To Add To Your Kids' School Lunch

    Parents who have had difficulty getting everyone dressed and fed before walking out the door, only to remember that the kids' lunches aren't packed can understand the appeal of pre-packaged options. Unfortunately, some foods that are easy to pack and keep well until lunch are really unhealthy too.

    By Molly Harris Read More
  • The Mysterious Origin Of The Rusty Nail Cocktail

    Like most good cocktails, the back story of the Rusty Nail is murky. The drink is rumored to have been created for the British Industries Fair in 1937. In the subsequent years, The cocktail went through a variety of name changes before settling in on its longstanding modern day moniker.

    By Caroline Coral Read More
  • Myths About Chocolate You Can Stop Believing

    Over the years, chocolate has sometimes gotten a bad rap, with doctors telling us it will make us gain weight, teenagers blaming chocolate for their acne (that one may actually be true, according to CNN), and some people blaming chocolate for high caffeine consumption. Let's put some myths to rest.

    By Liz Barrett Foster Read More
  • Read This Before Drinking Sun Tea

    Whether you've had a long day and feel the need to unwind with a hot cup of chamomile as you draw a bath or prefer to sip iced tea on a hot day, tea is a versatile drink that rarely disappoints. Using the sun's rays to make sun tea is a popular brewing method in the summer months.

    By Boshika Gupta Read More
  • Read This Before Buying Costco's Kirkland Signature Lobster Bisque

    At first glance, Costco's Kirkland Signature Lobster Bisque seems pretty appealing. It looks rich and creamy, and the package promises "restaurant-quality" with a "sophisticated taste". Before you start making room in your refrigerator for this soup however, there are some things you should know.

    By Megan Scott Read More
  • Boxed Chocolate Cake Mixes Ranked Worst To Best

    With so many options for chocolate cake mix out there, where's a home baker to start? We decided to do the legwork for you. From the wildly decadent chocolate cakes to those that fall a little flat, these are some of the most popular chocolate cake mixes on the market today, all ranked.

    By Molly Allen Read More