Seanan Forbes

Photo of Seanan Forbes
New York, NY
Goldsmiths College Of The University Of London
Storytelling Mixed With Physical Theater, Way Off-road Travel, Meditation
  • Seánan's most memorable food experiences include learning to make amagwinya (voetkeks; fried bread) in a tiny kitchen in a South AfricantTownship; tasting an unknown hot sauce in a cloud at the foot of a mountaintop temple near ("near") Pusan, South Korea; and eating a barnacle they cut off a net aboard the Black Pearl (The real one: no Johnny Depp.),
  • The earliest photos of Seanan show them in the kitchen, stuffing a turkey that's almost as tall as they are. Not much has changed over time.
  • Seánan has spent time in kitchens, in the galleys of tall ships, and beside open fires in 42 countries, being fed, nourished, and taught techniques and traditions along the way.


A literary agent gave her representation-self to Seánan as a birthday present, when Seánan was still a child. Seánan thought, "But I'm not a writer." With articles, stories, and poems published around the world, and storytelling having brought them around the world, Seánan's starting to think this was maybe not entirely true. Across genres, Seánan's words and pictures have run in numerous print and digital publications, including Food & Wine, Fiddlehead, the Chicago Sun-Times, the New York Post, Saveur, Atlas Poetica, the New Review, Serious Eats, the Mid-American Poetry Review, Edible New Orleans, Edible Manhattan, Kansas City Magazine, and a smattering of prose and poetry anthologies.


Seánan has degrees in anthropology, journalism, communications, writing, and performance, all from the University of London. Seánan has taken multiple courses in meditation teacher-training, trauma-awareness, multiple forms of writing and photography, cultural sensitivity, coffee-cupping and roasting, distillation, aerial arts, teaching, and storytelling. By the time this hits pixel, they'll be taking more.

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Stories By Seanan Forbes