Sarah Crocker

Photo of Sarah Crocker
Denver, CO
University Of South Florida, University Of Denver
Food History, Craft Beer, Vegetarian Food
  • Sarah has conducted academic research on many food cultures, including Cuban food in Tampa Bay and firefighter meals in Denver.
  • She's a devotee of craft beer, especially the brewing scene in Colorado.
  • She makes sure to bake bread at least once a week and is still trying to crack the code of making the perfect macaron.


Sarah began her professional career as a museum educator, including a stint as a researcher for a National Science Foundation-funded project at a science museum. She moved to Colorado to earn her graduate degree, where she completed her research at two Denver art museums. Colorado's landscape also taught her to love rock climbing, though she remains just an enthusiastic amateur. Following her love of uncovering the surprising sides of history, food, and culture, Sarah turned to writing, where she's been hard at work since 2016.


Sarah has a B.A. in anthropology from the University of South Florida and an M.A. in anthropology and museum studies from the University of Denver.

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Stories By Sarah Crocker