Joanna Steven

Photo of Joanna Steven
Portand, Oregon
René Descartes Law School Paris V, Iowa State University, The National Academy Of Science Medicine, The Kinesiology Institute For Performance Specialists
Nutrition, Fitness, Parenting
  • Joanna Steven is an Amazon best-selling author, and has been featured in many notable publications and websites.
  • Joanna is a mind/body connection enthusiast.
  • Joanna Steven started blogging in 2004 and has published books and programs that have been enjoyed by everyone from moms to Hollywood celebrities.


Joanna Steven was born in Paris and raised in France and Lebanon, where she learned first hand that food can be both healthy and delicious, and that a strong community of supportive people is one of the keys to happiness. She strives to apply both principles to her work. She started publishing nutrition-based ebooks before Kindle was a thing, is an Amazon best-selling author, and has been featured in many publications and websites. She wrote viral articles for Elephant Journal , was featured in Australia's Yum Gluten Free, the U.K.'s leading raw food magazine Get Fresh!, Arianna Huffington's Thrive, and many more.


Joanna Steven holds a law degree in French law, a Masters of Science degree in psychology, and is also an NASM certified nutrition coach, a Steel Mace Flow graduate, a KIPS certified steel mace instructor.

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Stories By Joanna Steven