Carly Terzigni

Photo of Carly Terzigni
California State University - Long Beach, Western Connecticut State University
Disney Dining, Restaurants, Trader Joe's
  • Carly has been coordinating dining recommendations for her friends and family since the age of 12, when she was put in charge of selecting restaurants for a reunion trip to New York City.
  • She has eaten at every restaurant in Disneyland Resort and has tried every flavor combination of Dole Whip (pineapple raspberry is her favorite).
  • A true native New Englander, Carly's favorite beverage is apple cider. She only buys it in the fall from the same local cider mill and refuses to buy it in the grocery store when it's out of season. She can even do a blind taste test to correctly identify different kinds of cider.


Carly has been a professional travel and food writer full time since 2019, though those close to her will tell you that her prowess for writing and telling stories began much earlier than that. Her career began when she started sharing her passion for snacking her way through a theme park, and it has since grown to encompass all things food and drink. Over the years, Carly's work has appeared in several online publications including Fodor's Travel, Insider, USA Today, FamilyVacationist, CTbites, and more. In her spare time, you can find her riding a roller coaster or enjoying a Broadway musical.


Carly holds a Bachelor's Degree in Theatre Arts from Western Connecticut State University as well as a Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Management; Master of Business Administration from California State University Long Beach.

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Stories By Carly Terzigni