Ariane Lang

Photo of Ariane Lang
Costa Rica
Universidad De Ciencias Médicas (UCIMED), EAE Business School
Cupcake Decoration, Nutrition, Healthy Recipes
  • Ariane is one of those dietitians who (unless she's baking) doesn't like spending a lot of time in the kitchen, so she's made a point of teaching people that quick, home-cooked meals can be nutritious and delicious. (Hint: meal prep is the key!)
  • In January 2021, she learned how to make buttercream flowers and opened her side business selling floral buttercream cupcakes two months later.
  • Since she has the sweetest tooth but ironically leads a sugar-free diet, she's obsessed with trying every sugar-free and gluten-free dessert recipe she can find.


Ariane is a freelance food and nutrition writer based in San José, Costa Rica. She began creating online content in 2019 for Healthline Nutrition as a way of helping people lead healthier lives. Ariane joined Static Media in 2022, contributing to Health Digest and The Daily Meal. Although her experience helped her understand how to eat to nourish the body, she has always been curious about where her favorite foods and dishes come from, which led her to delve into the world of food and healthy cooking.


Ariane holds a bachelor's degree in nutrition & dietetics from the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas (UCIMED) in San José, Costa Rica, and an MBA with a minor in international entrepreneurship from EAE Business School in Madrid, Spain.

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Stories By Ariane Lang