Anthony Mastroianni

Photo of Anthony Mastroianni
Naples, Italy
Italian Cuisine, Seafood, Spicy Foods
  • Anthony Mastroianni has lived, cooked and eaten in Italy for the last ten years. On top of studying the major Italian cookbooks, he's picked the brain of every cook, fishmonger, butcher and grandmother that could spare some time.
  • Anthony Mastroianni's knowledge of seafood originally came from his grandfather who was a fisherman and an expert on both fresh and saltwater seafood. This knowledge only grew after moving to Naples, Italy, where just after its seafood game is on par with its pizza. Living in an open air fish market didn't hurt, either.
  • As a toddler, Anthony Mastroianni's favorite food was mustard. As a preteen, it was anything that he could put hot sauce on. By the time he reached adulthood, he was propagating and growing everything from tabasco peppers to Trinidad scorpions, learning the levels of spice, ways to ulitilize and ins and outs of every spicy seed he could find.


Anthony Mastroianni has been writing and publishing since his college days. On top of pieces in publications like The Art of Eating, Time Out and Ambassador Magazine, he works in translation, as well as putting out Italian language pieces. He lives with his dog, which has nothing to do with food besides the little pooch always wanting it. And he cooks better than his wife.


Anthony Mastroianni received a degree in Italian Literature (as one can imagine, is always to some extent food-oriented), with a minor in Creative Writing and Journalism. Lucky for Mastroianni, he learned under a food writer who was simply moonlighting as a writing professor.

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Stories By Anthony Mastroianni