Andrea Beck

Photo of Andrea Beck
Drake University
McDonald's, Chocolate, Bread
  • One of Andrea's Mashed pieces covers the important difference between the first Kroger's and the modern grocery store.
  • In a similar story, she also explained why you'll never be able to visit the first Costco.
  • If you ever wondered about the background of the ice cream sundae, Andrea's recap of the dessert's strange history will prove elucidating.


While attending Drake University, Andrea worked as the editor-in-chief of Drake Political Review. After graduation, she began work as an editorial assistant for Meredith Corporation. In 2019, she became the Assistant Garden Editor at She contributed articles to Mashed from October to December 2020.


Andrea graduated from Drake University in 2018 with dual majors in Magazines and English.

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Our mission is to inform and engage our readers, telling them things they need to know, things they want to know, and things they didn't know they wanted to know about food. We strive to always provide a well-rounded reading experience, whether that’s the news of the day or a new original recipe you can try making at home. In an effort to provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our editorial team constantly reviews and updates articles as necessary. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Andrea Beck