Amanda Maida

Photo of Amanda Maida
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Point Park University
Baking, Grocery, Sweet Treats
  • Amanda is a freelance content writer on Mashed.
  • She has been freelance writing for three years and has voluntarily contributed to food-focused website Foodtribe, as well as the automotive website Drivetribe.
  • She's also an author of original fiction novels, particularly the drama and thriller genre, and has dipped into screenwriting. She has completed two novels and one screenplay in recent years.


Amanda is a lifelong writer of many styles, and has been freelance writing since 2018. She contributes to websites Foodtribe and Drivetribe where she is able to create content about two of her favorite topics - food and cars! Prior to writing, she worked in the entertainment industry in various roles such as marketing, promotions, sales, and fundraising. She joined Mashed in 2021 as a freelance content writer, with a focus on baking and grocery. In her spare time, she doesn't stop writing and works on her original fiction novels.


Amanda holds a Bachelor's degree in Sports, Arts, and Entertainment Management from Point Park University, a private university located in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Mashed Editorial Policies

Mashed’s industry-leading coverage is created by qualified and experienced writers, and is reviewed and fact-checked by our editorial team to ensure everything is accurate and timely. Outside experts are also consulted to help deliver factual, up-to-date information.

Our mission is to inform and engage our readers, telling them things they need to know, things they want to know, and things they didn't know they wanted to know about food. We strive to always provide a well-rounded reading experience, whether that’s the news of the day or a new original recipe you can try making at home. In an effort to provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our editorial team constantly reviews and updates articles as necessary. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Amanda Maida