Allyson Nichols

Photo of Allyson Nichols
Massillon, OH
Kent State University
Movies, TV, Food, Pets
  • Allyson has been a freelance writer for over a year.
  • She has written for multiple platforms, covering a variety of subjects.
  • She enjoys all things food and often watches cooking channels and competitions.


A freelance writer for multiple outlets, including Mashed, The Whiskey Wash, and Kiss And Tell Magazine, Allyson is passionate about all things food and entertainment. She graduated on the Dean's List in Spring 2020 from Kent State University where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Journalism and minored in creative writing. She has formerly written for CBR News, as well as The OTC Exchange, The Kent Stater, and Akron Life Magazine. With a specialization in magazine journalism, her hope is to continue to write pieces that inform and entertain.


Allyson graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Kent State University where she minored in creative writing.

Mashed Editorial Policies

Mashed’s industry-leading coverage is created by qualified and experienced writers, and is reviewed and fact-checked by our editorial team to ensure everything is accurate and timely. Outside experts are also consulted to help deliver factual, up-to-date information.

Our mission is to inform and engage our readers, telling them things they need to know, things they want to know, and things they didn't know they wanted to know about food. We strive to always provide a well-rounded reading experience, whether that’s the news of the day or a new original recipe you can try making at home. In an effort to provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our editorial team constantly reviews and updates articles as necessary. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Allyson Nichols