Adeline Jasinski

Photo of Adeline Jasinski
Portsmouth, RI
Agnes Scott College, Cornell University
Vegetarian Cooking, Slow-cooker Meals, Holistic Health
  • An amateur cake baker and decorator, Adeline has received repeated requests for her Royal Flush, a cake shaped like a toilet bowl.
  • After more than 20 years as a vegetarian, Adeline can modify just about any recipe to fit a plant-based diet.
  • Adeline is a self-taught cook with a massive cookbook collection.


Adeline spent more than a decade working in science before transitioning to freelance writing. Much of her work focuses on health and wellness. She is also a contributor at, a diabetes non-profit. Adeline believes that the key to wellness is a healthy diet, and that healthy food can be both delicious to eat and fun to prepare.


Adeline holds a B.A. in Biology from Agnes Scott College; she also earned an M.S. in Genetics & Development from Cornell University.

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Stories By Adeline Jasinski