What You Should Know Before Adding Chiles To Your In-N-Out Burger

Whenever there's a discussion about the best chain burger, the name In-N-Out will invariably be mentioned along with Five Guys and Shake Shack. On the In-N-Out website, the company says that since it began in 1948, In-N-Out has been making burgers that are a little different. Back when it began, the site claims that founder Harry Snyder would go to pick the best meat and produce straight from the market before the sun had even come up. It also said he handmade every item, which shows In-N-Out's commitment to freshness that has continued to this day.


When it comes to ordering from the famed In-N-Out menu, there's a lot to know. The first thing is that because the In-N-Out menu is simple by design, you're not going to be getting a lot of variety in your burger until it comes to toppings. While the fresh patty is tasty by itself, it's dressing it up in the best condiments and fixings that turn it from good to spectacular.

At In-N-Out you need to know what to order to take your hamburger game up to the elite tier – maybe you want to order a burger Animal Style or perhaps you want to cut the bun and go Protein Style two options from the chain's not-so-secret menu. You might even want to add some chiles to that slab of beef. Well, if you're thinking about joining the chile crowd, there's something you may want to know.


Redditors think the chiles are cascabella peppers

Lots of people make mistakes when ordering an In-N-Out burger. There are those that don't ever try a Monkey Style hamburger, which Foodbeast says is a burger topped with Animal Style fries. Additionally, you should never ask for an In-N-Out burger with everything. Finally, there are the cocky folks who think they can handle some chile heat with their meat. Which isn't always correct.


Several Reddit threads have explored what type of peppers In-N-Out uses. "I thought they were banana peppers?" said one helpful commenter. This is likely because the peppers from In-N-Out are yellow, giving them the same basic look as banana peppers. However, most people on the thread say banana peppers are different and milder. "I haven't been able to find any with the particular size and color of In-N-Out's," offered one commenter. Another said, "They are cascabella peppers," which was echoed on at least one other Reddit thread.

This is important to know because Chili Pepper Madness says that cascabella peppers rate at 1,500 to 6,000 Scoville Units on the Scoville Heat scale. That same scale shows banana peppers at 0-500 Scoville Units – the peppers used at the chain are three times hotter than banana peppers. Just know walking in that you might need to keep a jug of milk handy to put out the fire in your mouth.


