Does GBBO Create Unnecessary Food Waste?

Cakes on "The Great British Bake Off" are without doubt extraordinary feats of genius — well, except for when they go wrong. But having to conjure up exquisite and showstopping creations covering themes including "A Day At The Races" (from "GBBO: The Professionals") or season 12's "Mad Hatter's tea party" inevitably requires a significant amount of time, expense, and ingredients. This includes around 2,000 eggs, 35 liters of cream, and 200 kilograms of sugar, according to The Guardian.


As sophisticated and beautiful as these edible designs may be, are they the most respectful way forward given the food needs of the world? In the U.K., where "GBBO" is filmed, 7.3 million adults have experienced food insecurity (according to The Food Foundation), while the USDA estimates food insecure households to number 13.8 million in the U.S.

This sentiment is shared by Reddit user u/CalliopeKB, who took to the social media website to admit that their love of baking shows is tarnished by the thought of wasted food. They argue that "all those eggs don't NEED to be made into tiered cakes", suggesting ingredients used by "Bake Off" competitors could be directed toward more efficient needs. Many Redditors were quick to respond to the original poster, sounding off in the comments with their views on whether the concern was overly critical, and if the show actually takes any sustainability efforts.


The show tries to be sustainable

Redditors replied to the r/bakeoff subreddit post questioning food waste on "The Great British Bake Off." One user argued that "anything created for entertainment involves waste," a view apparently shared by u/grove_doubter, who chimed in by writing, "What do you expect a food competition show to use as raw material if not food?" Meanwhile, others suggest food could be thrown away if it has expired, and at least viewers can take pleasure from watching the baking unfold.


Insider reports that the creations are not wasted. The bakers receive samples of all the cakes before the production crew picks whatever they want. For anything leftover, "Bake Off" judge Prue Leith takes them home to feed her and her neighbors' pigs, according to The Sun.

Love Productions adds on Twitter that it utilizes recyclable materials while making "GBBO," and that food is either composted or used for anaerobic digestion. Additionally, the company's Twitter account details the use of recycling bins, using props on other sets, and reusing cups, bottles, and cutlery to help make the show more environmentally friendly.

