Fans Of Wendy's Biggie Bags Will Like This News

You certainly don't need us to tell you that things are getting more expensive out there. With no end in sight to rising prices, you're probably doing everything you can to stretch your money as far as possible. This is why you turn to fast-food value meals: They're easy, quick, and perhaps most importantly, they're a heck of a lot cheaper than eating at a more upscale restaurant. For those who enjoy a drive-thru dinner, Wendy's seems to be sympathetic to your plight (or perhaps it just sees the makings of a good opportunity when it sees one).


According to Chew boom, Wendy's is bringing back its "$5 Biggie Bag" for a limited time. If you've never heard of the Biggie Bag, it's a value meal of one of three sandwiches of your choice, four-piece chicken nuggets, small fries, and a small drink. The Biggie Bag first made its appearance back in 2019, per Brand Eating, consisting of only the Bacon Double Stack rather than a choice of three sandwiches, alongside the usual sides.

But just how good a deal is Wendy's Biggie Bag? While the five-buck price tag may sound like a steal, how can you be sure that you're getting something that's worth it? Can you really get triple points when ordering the Biggie Bag?

Is the $5 biggie bag truly a good deal?

While a value meal of burgers, chicken, fries, and a drink sounds like a pretty good deal for some, others don't seem to agree. On the subreddit r/FastFood, one user claims to know a hack that can give you more for food for only a dollar or so more than the Biggie Bag.


"I'd recommend getting the 4-for-$4 Double Stack, and instead of paying $1 extra for bacon on the Double Stack, pay $1 extra and upgrade your fries to either bacon-cheese fries or jalapeno-cheese fries," explains the OP. "You will get a much larger serving of fries (served in a plastic tray) than the fries that come with the 4-for-$4 combo. The fries will have nacho cheese and shredded cheese, plus either bacon or jalapenos. Then scoop some of the fry goop onto your Double Stack."

Despite this claim that you can get a better deal, Wendy's has always billed itself as the "inventor" of the value meal. QSR Web explains that Wendy's launched the first value meal back in 1989, selling a selection of menu items for only 99 cents. While some may find the Biggie Bag to be lacking, others will find that it's a decent use of 5 bucks. And while Chew boom reports the limited deal is back, there doesn't seem to be an expiration date listed, so make sure to check with your local Wendy's for availability.


