Reddit Just Solved The Trader Joe's Sour Cream And Onion Rings Mystery

Moving around the globe can be confusing for a number of reasons. There are often language barriers if you travel somewhere that doesn't speak your native tongue. Then there's the problem of knowing what food brands to buy in order to get something to delight your palate. For instance, Australia has Hungry Jack's instead of Burger King.


There are many other popular food brands that go by different names in different nations. Therefore, when trotting around the globe (or across the disc if you're a flat-earther) it helps to be aware whether the king of beers is now just a sudsy pal named "Bud." Or that a can of Campbell's wholesome family soup instead has the mildly insulting name "Batchelors."

Sometimes, finding the brand you like can require Holmesian detective skills. If you're not a gumshoe, then you'll need a Reddit account with some half-decent karma so that you can get the information from the all-knowing (but oft-insulting people) of the internet. All knowledge can be had online. Including the company that makes Trader Joe's Sour Cream & Onion Rings.


Calbee Harvest Snaps are behind Trader Joe's rings

Full photographic evidence, along with a list of ingredients were included in a Reddit thread wherein a moderator said that the Trader Joe's Sour Cream & Onion Rings were made by the Harvest Snaps brand. The thread included an online locator for any nearby stores that stock Harvest Snaps, so anyone seeking the same Sour Cream & Onion goodness of Trader Joe's can find it.


Once the company behind Trader Joe's rings was revealed, people began offering places where they could be bought, and even included prices. Apparently, Target and Sprouts stores frequently have Harvest Snaps snacks. One helpful person noted, though, that "Target's 2.5oz bag is $2.49 ($2.37 w/5% RedCard discount) & TJ's same size is $1.99." Therefore buying these under the Calbee banner is going to cost a full half-dollar more.

For those who like the Sour Cream & Onion flavor, but are seeking something new to titillate their taste buds, one commenter had some additional recommendations. "Calbee makes so many tasty things. I like the shrimp chips and the honey butter chips," they said. The revelation of honey butter chips was quickly pounced on. "Honey butter chips?! Are they as heavenly as I'm imagining?" asked one, and received a reply of "they're pretty tasty!"


Previously, the Calbee shrimp chips have compared favorably against newcomers. So anyone who is only learning about Calbee now and looking for a new taste sensation might do well to start there.

