Mashed's Exclusive Survey Reveals The Best Light Beer

In a sea of ales and stouts, light beer gets a bad reputation. In fact, light beer detractors disparage the drinks as "barely worth the glass they're bottled in," according to The Atlantic. But despite being perceived as bland, light beer is still incredibly popular. According to USA Today, three of the biggest beer brands in the United States are light beers: Bud Light, Coors Light, and Miller Lite. Love it or hate it, light beer is here to stay.


Easy to drink and generally lower in calories, light beers are different from darker beers. And the calorie count is a major reason drinkers continue to flock to lighter brews. In a recent survey, Mashed asked readers, "Which is the best light beer?" 

We got 599 responses, and when choosing from the best light beers to drink, almost 30% of surveyors picked one brand as having the best light brew.

Bud Light reigns supreme

The top spot as the most popular light beer among Mashed's survey respondents went to the classic Bud Light with 167 total votes, or 27.88%. Bud Light coming in first place isn't too surprising, though. According to VinePair, Bud Light has been the most popular beer in the United States since 2001 and is the best-selling beer in the country.


In a close call between third and second place, Corona Light earned 19.87%, or 119 votes. Coors Light rounded out of the top three with 19.20%, or 115 votes. 

Fifth on the list is Michelob Ultra at 12.69% (76 votes), preceded by Miller Lite at 15.53% (93 votes). At the bottom of the list is Keystone Light at 4.84%, or 29 votes. 

The health benefits of wine are well-documented. But when consumed in moderation, beer (including the lower-calorie light beers) can be good for you, too.

