The Discontinued Taco Bell Sauces Reddit Still Can't Believe Are Gone

Since Taco Bell's humble beginnings in 1962, the chain has blessed us with countless menu items. However, as is the case with all restaurants, not all of these menu items have withstood the test of time. Many favorites have sadly been discontinued over the years.


Perhaps the most famous of these discontinued items is Taco Bell's Mexican Pizza. This particular item was cut alongside many other items to streamline the menu during the COVID-19 pandemic. But unlike with other discontinued items, we recently got the best news about the Mexican Pizza: it's returning for good in September 2022.

Unfortunately, the Mexican Pizza is an exception. The rest of Taco Bell's discontinued items – the Caramel Apple Empanada, the Nacho Fries, and the Naked Chicken Chalupa — remain nothing more than a distant memory. Taco Bell fans recently came together on Reddit to reminisce about these menu items, particularly two of the chain's discontinued sauces.

Taco Bell's Fire-Roasted and Verde sauces live on in our hearts

Earlier this summer, one Taco Bell lover asked on Reddit if anyone else remembered the Fire-Roasted and Verde sauces, circa 2010. According to Brand Eating, both sauces were unique in that they brought "new flavors to the Taco Bell menu rather than familiar combinations of the same old stuff." Neither sauce was actually spicy, but fans seem to have loved them nonetheless.


Several Redditors commented on which one was their personal favorite, with one person going so far as to say both were "top tier sauces." Another person wrote that they used to drink the Fire-Roasted sauce straight out of the packet. Strange, sure, but relatable. Someone else said they would "sell [their] soul for Verde packets." Fair enough.

Others brought up the fact that some grocery stores still sell the bottled version of the sauce. However, not only do the store-bought bottles not taste the same as the sauce packets, a few Redditors noted that the bottles are all expired. At least we still have our fond memories. 

