Tim Hortons Just Released Pizza, And Twitter Is Bullying Them For It

For many people, the morning routine may include a cup of coffee and a breakfast pastry to prepare them for their workday. Tim Hortons has been a go-to for coffee and doughnuts for many the past few decades, especially in Its country of origin, Canada. But in an attempt to grow the company, Hortons may also try to grow its list of offerings.


After having to reduce their menu sizes during the pandemic, food chains began expanding their lineups, reports Business Insider. Whether it's Papa John's introducing new non-pizza items (per a press release) or the vegan chicken at KFC, restaurants are looking for new ways to appeal to customers. After years of focusing on coffee, donuts, and a few other food items, Tom Hortons is directing its energy toward gaining "market share in the lunch and dinner category," starting with introducing its new flatbread pizzas (via Food Business News).

Of course, trying a different idea always runs the risk of failure if it doesn't translate well to the core fans. Tim Hortons' announcement received an array of reactions, many of which bordered on skepticism and bullying.


Twitter pushes back

Recently, Tim Hortons announced plans to start selling flatbread pizzas for a limited time, according to Food Business News. While one could say it's somewhat akin to when Panera began selling pizza during the pandemic, the idea of Tim Hortons selling pizza wasn't received well on Twitter. Some seemed unable to totally wrap their heads around it.


User Pastor Kyle saw a tweet about the menu addition and replied, "Eating pizza from Tim Hortons is a cry for help." A tweet by "Afternoon Drive" host Tanner Havens said, "If you think you're having an identity crisis, Tim Hortons is testing Pizza in certain markets right now." Another user attacked the idea of Tim Hortons pizza by taking a shot at the brand's coffee as well. "why the heck is Tim Hortons making pizza when they can't even make good coffee? get ur priorities straight PLEASE," wrote salma.

Despite all the negative tweets, at least one user took issue with the coffee slam and seemed to think the pizza would be profitable whether or not it was good. As user Young G wrote in a tweet, "Majority of Canadians buy coffee from Tim's, so your point is false. If their coffee wasn't good, they woulda been outta biz. Secondly even if the pizza turns out to be horrible, they'll still make millions off of it." Only time will tell if the menu item will sell or fail.


