Is Robot Delivery The Next Big Pizza Trend?

Although we may still be decades away from the Skynet terminators growing self-aware and rising up to take over, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) technology have been gradually making their way into our daily lives. Earlier this year, a company called RoboBurger opened the first robot burger vending machine in a mall in Jersey City, New Jersey (via Today).


In April, Domino's unveiled its partnership with American robotics company Nuro to experiment with self-driving vehicle pizza delivery. They have launched test runs from its Woodland Heights location in Houston as part of a pilot program (per CNBC). And Domino's could surely benefit from the non-human help, considering the brand's severe driver shortage.

Going back even further, Google has been working on a self-driving car project, now called Waymo, since 2009 (via Investopedia). Its ride-hailing service Waymo One is currently offering fully autonomous rides in the East Valley of Phoenix.

Could a new partnership announced this summer be a sign that robot delivery is about to become the next big pizza trend? (per Restaurant Dive).


A fully AI pizza experience

Piestro and Serve Robotics have collaborated on the latest robotic food service endeavor: to offer robot pizza delivery from automated pizzerias (via Restaurant Dive). Robot pizza delivery sounds like a good idea in theory following on the heels of a pandemic where contactless food service became the norm.


Their partnership will use delivery robots that bring pizza made in automated kitchen pods. When a pizza is ready for delivery, Piestro's system alerts Serve Robots, which are handed the pizza from the automated kitchen. According to Serve Robotics, the company's robots can navigate busy sidewalks safely, using an array of safety technology from sensors to automatic emergency braking.

The Serve Robots have a capacity of four pizzas and complete deliveries in about 15 minutes (although there's no word yet on the delivery range). Customers enter a secure passcode on the robot to receive their pizza. While other restaurants have tried either a robotic kitchen or robotic delivery, Piestro and Serve Robotics is believed to be the first cooperation utilizing both elements for a fully automated experience.


Is this the spark of a robot food industry revolution and a Matrix-style coup that will lead to the downfall of humanity or will the Serve Robots come in peace to bring us piz-za?

