Reddit Is Trembling At The Sheer Size Of One Costco Rotisserie Chicken

Not all chickens are created equal. Different breeds of the birds can vary greatly in size. That ranges from the Jersey Giant, the rooster which The Happy Chicken Coop says averages 13 to 15 pounds, to the Malaysian Serama which averages under 19 oz in weight. Chickens Life says that one of the most common breeds used in meat production is the Cornish Cross, as they grow quickly and are not difficult to handle while they are alive. Purely Poultry shares that around eight to nine weeks after they hatch, the Cornish Cross hens usually weigh around eight pounds while the roosters normally come in at around 10 pounds.


Those weights represent the birds with all their bones, internal organs, and plumage, though, which is usually not how you find a rotisserie bird at Costco. One of those Costco chickens was anything but peckish, and it caused quite a clamor on Reddit.

You're gonna need a bigger box

Reddit user u/Stilgrave posted an image of a rotisserie chicken, spilling out of its container that was sitting on a scale, to r/Costco. The scale in the image indicates 6.27 pounds and the caption on the image read, "I couldn't get it to fit in the box."


The comments shared u/Stilgrave's appreciation of the gigantic fowl. U/robamiami stated "Sesame Street Rotisserie Big Bird now at Costco" and u/Majestic_Location751 commented "Double helping on the chicken feed that one." U/MadMex2U called it a "Barry Bonds chicken, meaning pumped full of steroids. Ha" and u/deviltrombone added "Its size is exceeded only by its toughness." Several commenters also added a classic "that's what she said" response to u/Stilgrave's caption.

The ingredient in Costco's rotisserie chicken that you should be wary of has nothing to do with this bird's size. Some of the Reddit commenters suggested that the bird may have plumped during cooking if it was not tied during the process. Those commenters might be onto something, too, as the Premier Foods Group in 2016 explained that chicken plumping using a saline solution is a common practice.


Regardless of whether this particular chicken's size and weight were all-natural or driven by plumping, it definitely demanded the attention of everyone around.

