Chef's Table And Street Food USA Co-Creator On How The Shows Affected His Tastes - Exclusive

Working as a producer of hit food shows on Netflix can come with some unexpected consequences. No one knows this better than Brian McGinn, the co-creator and producer of two of its documentary series. The first, "Chef's Table," looks at upscale chefs and shows how they do their incredible work. The second, "Street Food," takes a slightly less high-end approach, instead focusing on the everyday quick foods people can get around the world. But do not get the wrong idea — the foods featured are anything but average.


"Street Food" is currently in its third season, and this time, McGinn and the rest of the show decided to showcase the incredible street foods that can be found in our own back yard. With all this good food dictating his life, it's no wonder the way McGinn eats has changed. We sat down with him in an exclusive interview to find out just how doing the show has changed the way he eats.

The biggest change in preference

According to Brian McGinn, one of the biggest hazards of being on the show is constantly being surrounded by good food. "Yeah, it's rough. You can play me the smallest violin in the world for that one," he joked during our interview. 


The problem with eating all this delicious food is that it has changed the way he eats. When asked about what kind of fast food he enjoyed. McGinn was cagey before finally admitting, "I'm going to be honest, I've become quite a food snob from making all these food shows." When surrounded by so much delicious food, it makes sense that one would lose their taste for low-quality fast foods. 

As far as fast food goes, McGinn's go-to is "a woodfired Peruvian roast chicken place close to me that's amazing called Pollo a la Brasa, so that's my favorite takeout, grab-it-quick kind of place." While this does indeed sound amazing, it may not technically qualify as fast food — but we suspect McGinn knows this. Besides, how can we expect the co-creator of "Street Food," a show designed to showcase the best quick and affordable cuisine the world has to offer, to be satisfied with mass-produced frozen foods? After seeing some of the delicious dishes featured on the series, you might find yourself feeling the same.


Street Food USA is streaming now on Netflix.

