Chipotle Just Made A Social Media Joke A Reality

Social media is full of internet trolls — people who post comments in an effort to provoke, upset, and sometimes manipulate those who read them. Though the original definition sounds bad, there are plenty of more lighthearted trolls out there who focus on making hilarious posts in an effort to garner laughs. These groups often include fast food businesses that poke friendly fun at their competitors and haters, mainly on Twitter.


One example of this is when Hostess Snacks took to Twitter to say, "Hostess has declared Golden CupCakes the official snack cake of the eclipse. #SolarEclipse2017." In reply, MoonPie tweeted "Lol ok." Another example is when Doritos tweeted, "Let's leave @MountainDew alone for a minute; the bottle isn't even cold yet," to which Mountain Dew replied, "What's that? We can't hear you over all that hot air. #Bye #ICECOLD." Now, Chipotle is poking innocent fun at its customers, and people on social media seem to be here for it.

Chipotle knows your secret

According to a recent press release, Chipotle is now poking fun at consumers who claim they fill their water cup with lemonade by accident. On Thursday, August 18, Chipotle will begin to sell a lemonade-scented "Water" Cup candle designed to look like — you guessed it — one of the chain's cups meant for water. This new product is being released in celebration of National Lemonade Day on August 20. There's an extra perk to this item: When a candle is purchased, buyers will receive a promo code for a free lemonade at Chipotle if you place the order through the chain's app or website. This candle can be purchased at the Chipotle Goods online store, which also sells a range of merch including socks, sweatshirts, and hats.


In the past, Chipotle has posted on Twitter to express its feelings about this beverage-related "accident." In one tweet, the brand types symbols that resemble a house with the words "In this house we love & appreciate people who don't put lemonade in their water cups." One commenter revealed that they actually sneak Sprite in their water cup instead, to which the company replied with a sigh emoji.

