The Most Valuable Food Brand Of 2022 Comes From Switzerland

When the term most valuable is used, the connotation takes several forms. While there can be a dollar amount associated with that superlative, the number is only one portion of the description. Name recognition, trust, and strength can encompass that sentiment. According to a recent report from Brand Finance, as a whole, food brands have regained their market strength after several downturn years. Specifically, Brand Finance Valuation Director Savio D'Souza said, "People are returning to the brands they love." While the bottom line might have more green than red, the positive balance sheet is only one business factor.


Although some consumers have turned to store brands during the recent economic woes, company name recognition will always have a hand in a successful business. Whether it is the specific white font on a red background that signifies Coca-Cola or the unmistakable golden arches seen from the side of the road that mean McDonald's, the companies appreciate that a valuable food brand is composed of many factors. A consistent product, a favorite flavor, or even an intangible can make one brand a better choice. Still, consumers show their support with dollars spent which relates to company earnings. For 2022, the most valuable food brand not only retained its top spot but also saw growth that ensured it soared above the competition.


The most valuable food brand in 2022

Brand Finance released its list of the 2022 most valuable food brands. As reported by Food Business News, the top 10 corporations featured a bevy of iconic names. Lay's, Quaker, and Tyson all saw positive gains in the past year. Topping this year's list was Switzerland-based Nestlé SA. It is valued at $20.8 billion. Some of the factors that secured its pinnacle position were "responding to changes in consumer needs, customer demands and supply chain challenges." Brand Finance had previously ranked Nestlé first from 2018-2021.


Nestlé has a wide array of brands in its portfolio. From coffee, plant-based, water, and various other items fill store shelves. While there is diversity, the brand focuses on a simple motto: "Good food, Good life." While that ambitious thought casts a wide shadow, the company has been looking to create an outlook for a better future. As new products hit the shelves, the core values are woven into the offering. Even though there can be bumps in the road, meeting consumers' expectations, offering worth, and delivering a good product can help Nestlé remain in its position as the most valuable food brand.

