Lili Reinhart's Hilarious Reaction To Mountain Dew's Unusual Flavors

Over the last few years, Lili Reinhart has risen in status to one of Hollywood's latest it girls. While she may be best known for her role as Betty Cooper in "Riverdale," the Ohio native has also shown off her talents in numerous other projects, including the blockbuster hit "Hustlers" and the Indie film "Miss Stevens" (via IMDb). As Reinhart's seven-season stint on "Riverdale" is nearing its final days, the actress is excited about what comes next (via Entertainment Weekly). "I know that after 'Riverdale,' I don't want to do another 22-episode show because it really does take up your entire life, and as a 22-year-old, I want to be able to do other things," the Netflix star shared with Teen Vogue in 2018.


While fans may see a lot of Reinhart on-screen, the actress is protective of her personal life. There are very few known facts about the actress, but we do know that the 25-year-old has four tattoos, is a big family gal, and also happens to be a huge Mountain Dew fan (via Seventeen). In a recent interview on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon," the actress gushed about her love for this carbonated soft drink. "My mom drank it when I was in the womb, it's her fault," Reinhart joked. Fallon proceeded to challenge Reinhart's status as an "original 'Dew' girl," by making her taste test various Mountain Dew products with wacky flavors. 

For Reinhart, Mountain Dew-inspired products don't have the same appeal as the OG soda

The Mountain Dew brand doesn't start and end with a single soda. If you aren't a fan of the OG green, then there's a slew of other flavors you can try including Code Red and Major Melon, and a fruity new flavor that was recently dropped — but only in one place (via Mountain Dew).


Inspired by Lili Reinhart's love of "the Dew," as she calls it, Jimmy Fallon decided to gage her reaction to a handful of Mountain Dew related-products on an episode of "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon." The first item was a Mountain Dew flavored lip balm, which received an average rating of 6 out of 10 from Lili, and a 7 out of 10 from Jimmy.

The following treats consisted of a Mountain Dew flavored ice cream called "Mountain Moo" from Michigan and a Mountain Dew flavored vodka from a distillery in Jersey City. The main thing that the products had in common? They both shared the same sickly green color reminiscent of the classic soda. "This is scary," Reinhart noted when the ice cream was served to her. The consensus? Reinhart and Fallon both agreed that the ice cream tasted like "fruit loop milk," whereas the vodka "wasn't as bad" as they thought it might be.


Last but not least? Mountain Dew Flamin' Hot. "It's got a burn aftertaste to it," Fallon noted, as Reinhart commented, "It's spicy!"

