Here's How Costco's Rotisserie Chicken Stays So Cheap In 2022

With inflation on the rise, it might cost you more than five bucks per gallon to put gas in your car. CNN Business states that housing costs are up more than 5% from 2021, and food costs 10% more. This squeeze affects everyone, but some brands are fighting back by finding new ways to cut expenses and keep prices reasonable.


Arizona tea might be one of the most famous brands to refuse to raise prices. USA Today shows that Arizona is keeping its prices at 99 cents per can in USD. Spencer Vultaggio, the Chief Marketing Officer and co-owner of Arizona told Thrillist that buyers "always know they can head to their local store and our drinks will be 99 cents."

Costco is attempting to join Arizona as one of the few, proud corporations making a valiant attempt to keep prices down and encourage customers to continue to shop with them. To begin with, Costco's food court offers a cheap hot dog meal that comes with a quarter-pound, all beef dog and 20 oz soda with refills for just $1.50. Costco CEO Craig Jelinek told CNBC a solid "No" when asked if "there is any inflationary environment in which he would raise that price."


Likewise, Costco is striving to keep its giant, tasty rotisserie chickens inflation-proof in order to entice people into the store.

Costco's cheap chicken comes with a trigger warning

The National Chicken Council, which is indeed a real organization, has reported that Americans, on average, consume nearly 100 chickens per person each year. That means when chicken prices rise, it's going to be more expensive for people to get their favorite poultry. But Costco is making moves to help save money and keep people up to their gizzards in rotisserie chicken.


Costco's rotisserie chicken costs a scant $4.99 for a chicken that is generally larger than most rotisserie chickens found in other grocery stores. This makes the fowl a bargain, and the idea is to keep it there. Though, you may want to know what's in the rotisserie chicken before you buy it.

One of the ways Costco is keeping costs down is by using its own enormous chicken farm. This exists in Nebraska and allows Costco to get chicken on the cheap. However, there are some who say this money-saving idea is also inhumane. A lawsuit filed in Seattle against the company alleges that "Costco illegally neglects and abandons its chickens." It goes on to say "disabled birds slowly die from hunger, injury and illness."


While these allegations are concerning, for some the notion of "innocent until proven guilty" remains — as does the bargain of a $4.99 chicken. 

