The Warm Drinks In Summer Myth You Should Stop Believing

In the heat of summer, there's nothing like grabbing a cold lemonade, glass of water, or a milkshake to cool yourself down. Although these beverages are refreshing, you might be surprised to learn that they aren't actually effective in lowering your body temperature, per The Takeout. They might offer short-term relief, but according to The Conversation and Research Fellow in Neuroscience at The University of Queensland Peter Poortvilet, your organs will heat up the cold beverage so quickly that there aren't many benefits.


Per First Response Healthcare, there are some foods that can help with the heat issue. Some of these foods include spinach, watermelon, cucumbers, mint leaves, celery, and pomegranates. Certain seeds such as poppy seeds and flax seeds can aid in the process, too. Additionally, there are some foods to avoid during a heatwave in the middle of summer, like spicy and fried foods. So, if cool beverages aren't able to help reduce body heat, can hot beverages do the job instead?

Hot beverages are not the answer

You may have heard from your parents or grandparents that consuming hot beverages in the summer is the most effective way to cool your body down. Unfortunately, this is only a myth (via The Takeout). Thermoregulation expert Douglas Casa said in an interview with The Takeout, "[The hot beverage theory] is a very inaccurate old wives tale." He continued, "Drinking warm beverages will warm up your body temperature." In other words, put down that mug of warm coffee or hot chocolate.


Though warm beverages aren't able to help you out this summer, there are some that are very effective for the fall and winter months, according to Pharmacy Solutions. Because ginger tea is a diaphoretic, it works by warming up your body from the inside out. Coffee, of course, is another good option. When it comes to body-warming foods, opt for red meat or butternut squash, and no matter the weather make sure you stay hydrated with plenty of water.

