Instagram Is Calling Crumbl Cookies' New Lineup The Best One Yet

Crumbl Cookies is not exactly humble. In fact, it's a bit boastful: The company claims to have the "world's best cookies" (via Instagram), and at least some fans seem to agree. The brand showcases stellar customer reviews on its website, including one that declares, "Obviously the biggest and the best cookies around!" and another that gushes, "Cookies are just from another world." But when founding cousins Sawyer Hemsley and Jason McGowan debuted their first store in 2017, they started small and basic with chocolate chip cookies. They experimented with the ingredients and asked people for feedback to help them create what they consider to be the perfect cookie formula (per ABC News).


Fast-forward about five years and Crumbl has grown by leaps and bounds and bites with a cookie Rolodex of hundreds of flavors and more than 500 locations in 48 states (per LinkedIn). What's the secret behind the company's expansion and popularity? Viral TikTok videos certainly help, but so does a cookie menu that changes every week (with four or five specialty offerings, in addition to OG Milk Chocolate Chip) and drops like clockwork on social media. And when this week's lineup dropped, people on Instagram gave the company plenty of responses that a not-so-humble company could boast about.

Fans say Crumbl's latest lineup is a winning combination indeed

For a diehard Crumbl fan, Sunday probably isn't a Funday until they've seen the new Crumbl cookie menu. "This week's lineup has entered the chat,” Crumbl Cookies posted on Instagram. And judging from the number of likes (more than 1 million) and comments (more than 26,000), the over-before-you-know-it offering is a hit with the sweet treat-loving community on the 'Gram. "The lineup might be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life,” user @madisonashelton shared while @sweet.teemarie went so far as to proclaim, "This is like the holy grail of crumbl flavors."


The lineup for the week includes Monster, a mash-up of flavors and textures, including M&M's candies, pieces of semi-sweet chocolate, peanut butter, and oatmeal. There's Mint Brownie, a brownie cookie with chocolate ganache icing that sounds like it just might freshen your breath. Banana Bread takes the form of a soft cookie topped with cream cheese icing and crumbly streusel. Chocolate Caramel features a chocolate cookie studded with bits of milk chocolate, drizzled with caramel, and garnished with a chewy caramel candy. Strawberry Ice Cream Bar offers a fruity combination of strawberry and vanilla, embellished with vanilla strawberry streusel. And last but not least is an old standard, Milk Chocolate Chip.


Instagram wasn't alone in its elation. A YouTube review by Chunk and Dad Quality Time compared getting this week's lineup to winning a $1.1 billion lottery jackpot.

