How You Can Win A Ton Of Money From BrewDog Cans

Hiding prizes in food is kind of a tale as old as time. Aside from the cliche of dropping an engagement ring in a champagne glass, many companies have used the element of surprise in their own initiatives to market their products, whether through a contest or just simply adding an extra hidden element. Cereal companies used to hide toys in boxes for kids to find as they make their way through the snack.


On the contest side, there is likely not a soul in the world who does not have some inkling of Willy Wonka and his Golden Ticket, a ticket he hid within a chocolate bar to promote a contest to visit his factory which inspired many initiatives thereafter, like Aldi's U.K. sweepstakes in 2021 (via Good to Know). Well, it may not be a golden ticket for a trip to Wonka's Chocolate factory, but BrewDog has an equally exciting prize hidden in its beer cans for some lucky fans to find.

You lucky dog

As BrewDog proclaimed in its announcement, "The hunt is officially on." The beer company will be hiding a total of £50,000 to be distributed amongst 59 different winning 12 packs of their beer as part of the Cash Cans giveaway. As Lad Bible explains, while it might seem lucky customers of their beer may crack one open to find money instead of beer, the actual find is the hidden label on the can exterior. When peeled open, a cash amount is revealed. 


Not everyone will find a giant sum, but according to Daily Record, cash prizes found on cans can amount to up to £10,000. The site also points out that potential winners will have to redeem before October 31 in order to claim their rightful prize. This isn't the first wild and crazy cash giveaway BrewDog has offered customers. Back in 2021, a man a "solid gold" beer can prize said to be worth £15,000, per The Guardian

Fans are already getting excited on social media. Many commented on the brand's Instagram post with notes like, "I accept this mission," and plans to "go and buy some beers."

