Michael Caine's Favorite Snack Isn't What You'd Expect

The legendary Michael Caine may be one of the world's most well-rounded actors of our time. The highly acclaimed British actor has distinguished himself as a respected figure in Hollywood and one of the pioneers of acting by working in over 100 films (via Britannica). He has played diverse roles in his illustrious career, ranging from a cheap womanizer in his first major breakthrough film "Alfie" to starring as the third fiddle to Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman in "The Prestige."


With an impressive career spanning over six decades, there's no denying the 89-year-old "Zulu" actor has mesmerized us with his performances and a recognizable accent in a number of different genres. In spite of having an endless list of admirers, the double-time Academy Award winner remains a private, family-oriented person. But we know that Caine credits his restrictive diet and wife for his long life. He praised his beloved wife Shakira Baksh for saving him from drinking "a bottle of vodka a day," and he would've been "dead long ago" without her (via The Sun).  

While Caine pays special attention to his dietary restrictions, it makes us wonder what snack he eats when the temptation is too hard to resist.


Michael Caine's favorite snack involves bacon

While some celebrities follow a healthy eating regimen and intense workouts, they have favorite indulgences, too. For instance, Jennifer Lawrence doesn't mind letting the world know that she loves pizza, McDonald's fries, and Cool Ranch Doritos. Michael Caine told the UK publication, The Times, that he doesn't eat sugar or salt, walks two miles a day, and his bread is gluten-free. However, the star admits he has a cheat meal every so often, particularly when a bacon sandwich is in sight and the smell is just too tempting to handle. We totally get that. "Every now and then I still have one," the "Italian Job" actor revealed his love for a bacon sandwich. "If you don't eat them (often) you can have them and really enjoy them."


In 2017, the actor admitted that his fear of dying of cancer prompted him to adopt a healthier diet lifestyle (via The Sun). "I've had to cut back on the drinking and I'm always looking up what's the best thing against cancer, so I'll eat that or do this or not do that," he said. He also lost weight in a bid to see his grandchildren grow.

While it's often thought that genetics determines life expectancy, it turns out that improved physical and mental wellness actually helps you live a longer life. A recent study found that healthier eating could increase lifespan by about 10 years in young adults and six to seven years in middle-aged adults. 

