Checkers And Rally's Petitioned To Move National French Fry Day— And Won

From National Ice Cream Day to National Chili Day, if you've taken a bite out of any delicious and iconic food, odds are there's a holiday dedicated to its celebration — and yes, that includes French fries. The savory side and frequent take-out burger accomplice's special day, National French Fry Day, has traditionally fallen on July 13th, but, as of yesterday, that is no longer the case.


If there is a fast food chain that has the right to try and make a big change to anything involving French fries, it's Checkers and Rally's. Customers can't seem to get enough of the brand's famous seasoned fries. The restaurant reported it has prepared and sold more than a billion of its beloved fry orders throughout America (per Stop&Shop). So it can be considered a pretty respectable fry authority, or it can at least be considered respectable enough to organize a petition to change the date of National French Fry Day. But why did Checkers and Rally's set out to create such a radical movement? Because, according to an Instagram post made by the chain, they felt it deserved to permanently be on a 'FryDay'.


Thanks to Checkers and Rally's every National French Fry Day will be a 'FryDay'

In order to accomplish its valiant quest to defend french fries' honor, Checkers and Rally's created an online petition with a simple name that embodied their mission — "Fryday to Friday." The fast food chain hoped to get enough signatures to convince Mario Anderson, the man behind the National Day Calendar who is able to make such a change, to ensure National French Fry Day will forever land on a Friday.


The 42,690 signatures from noble fry enthusiasts (though we're sure that Checker & Rally's offering a free order of fries to everyone who signed their name was also a pretty good incentive) did not go unheard. In a press release that Checker and Rally's put out on this year's National French Fry Day, Anderson revealed that the day dedicated to honoring fries "will forevermore be on a Friday" and that from 2023 onwards it will fall on the second Friday of July.

Checkers and Rally's is celebrating its win in a big way. The chain that proved you can be the change you want to see in the world announced on its Instagram that it will be driving its fry towing food truck, the Fry Love Express, to Anderson's home state, North Dakota, as a thank you gift.


