Why You Should Make S'mores In Your Air Fryer

There are few sweet treats out there that can compare to the uniquely rich taste of classic campfire s'mores. After finishing a deliciously hearty meal cooked over a fire, chocolate lovers relish the moment they can snag a roasting stick and skewer a couple large marshmallows to roast to gooey perfection. Once the open flame has torched them sufficiently, its flavor melts divinely into the chocolate as you smash them together into a tasty mini sandwich. Thinking about that first crumbly crunch is nothing short of mouth-watering.


But what if you have no plans to go camping any time soon and are suddenly craving s'mores? Thanks to the glorious modern wonders of kitchen technology, you don't have to venture into the middle of the woods or even start a fire to enjoy this heavenly delicacy. If you own an air fryer or know someone who does, grab your s'mores ingredients and wait no longer.

Air fry your s'mores to gooey perfection

Air fryers have gotten hugely popular in recent years due to how creative you can get with the wide variety of foods you can fry up. Not only that, but you can use an air fryer to turn a classic recipe that requires frying and take it to a much healthier level by doing it yourself. You get the benefit of using high heat without as much effort, prep work, or worrying about cleanup. With s'mores, the best part is they are ready in under 10 minutes!


Simply place your graham cracker inside the air fryer and top it off with a marshmallow. A neat trick you may want to try is splitting the marshmallow in half and sticking it to the cracker, ensuring it stays firmly in place when the air fryer starts, per My Forking Life. Set the air fryer to 390 F and fry it for around seven minutes, making sure to check after four minutes to make sure it gets to that level of golden brown that you prefer. Remove it carefully once it has cooked to your liking. Then you can place the chocolate and final graham cracker on top as you savor that first scrumptious bite you were dreaming of.

