Why Magic Spoon Cereal Is Suitable For Diabetics

Generations of Americans have grown up with an affinity for breakfast cereals. It shows in the numbers, too. According to Bekryl, the breakfast cereal industry in North America was worth almost $15 billion in 2019. That doesn't mean all that cereal that's sold is necessarily actually good for you, though.


In fact, many breakfast cereals on the market today are actually something that people with diabetes might want to avoid. That's due to their high carbohydrate and sugar content. For example, SmartLabel reveals that Kellogg's Fruit Loops contains 34 grams of carbs and 12 grams of sugar for each 39-gram (about 1 and 1/13 cups) serving. Thus, many people with diabetes have essentially sworn off the sugary stuff.

But, what if that wasn't necessary? What if you could put something in your bowl that came close to replicating the colors, flavors, and textures of beloved breakfast cereals without the ridiculous amounts of carbs and sugar? Such a product might seem like it could only be created using magic. It does exist, though, and recently One Drop gave it a try to see if it lives up to its billing.


Magic Spoon works its magic for those with diabetes

The writer, Mary Elizabeth Adams, doing the sampling for One Drop has diabetes and chronicled her blood sugar before and after consuming a serving of Magic Spoon. According to One Drop, there was no blood sugar spike. While Adams did say that Magic Spoon will cost you a lot more than traditional cereals, she admitted that for those who need to closely monitor their blood sugar, it's worth the price.


So, why exactly is Magic Spoon a safe option for people with diabetes? The makeup of the product is one big reason the cereal has become so popular. Magic Spoon's nutrition facts claim that it's a high-protein, grain-free, and low-sugar product nonetheless designed to resemble popular breakfast cereals. For example, Magic Spoon's take on a Frosted Flakes-replicant has 12 grams of protein and three net carbs per serving. In comparison, Kellogg's Frosted Flakes has one gram of protein and 24 net carbs. It's worth noting, however, that One Drop's review did not comment on the flavor and texture of Magic Spoon. Honest Brand Reviews comment on the flavor notes of several varieties with some positive comments, though.


Another thing that's worth observing about Magic Spoon is that while its recipe is grain-free and therefore gluten-free, the ingredients list dairy milk. Thus, people who need to avoid dairy, unfortunately, have to steer clear. For anyone else wanting to simply manage their carb count or sugar intake, Magic Spoon is a safe way to enjoy a bowl of nostalgia.

