Why Almond Tofu Is A Must-Try This Summer

A key player in vegan and vegetarian diets, tofu is curdled soy milk, packed with protein, and adaptive to just about any recipe imaginable. According to Serious Eats, tofu comes in many forms, from soft, to firm, to silken, to custard. Tofu even comes seasoned, smoked, and deep-fried. However, with so many types of tofu to choose from, it's important to know how to cook them and when to use them.


For instance, a salt and pepper tofu recipe using firm tofu will reward you with a tasty meat substitute you can add to stir fry, vegetables, or any other dish of your choosing. Although tofu is perhaps best known used as an alternative to meat, it also makes an excellent addition to many desserts. In China, for example, a sweet dessert version of tofu, also known as almond jelly, is a popular treat for beating the summer heat, per What to Cook Today

Cool down with melt-in-your-mouth Chinese almond tofu

Unlike most tofu varieties, Chinese almond tofu is made not with soy but with sweet apricot seeds. In case you're confused about the name, these seeds are also called southern almonds (via What to Cook Today). However, it's worth noting you can also make this dessert tofu with regular almonds and almond milk.


Once the 'almond' milk is curdled, mixed with gelatin, and allowed to set, it resembles what The Green Quest calls "milk Jell-O but with more taste and less sugar." According to China Sichuan Food, the completed dessert has a silky texture that will melt in your mouth.

You can eat almond tofu as is, but most people prefer to pair it with fruit to emphasize the sweetness and add extra freshness. Others add nuts to bring out the nutty flavor notes or the vibrantly green matcha for its health benefits. However you decide to serve your almond tofu, you can be certain this dessert will help you beat the heat. 

